Friday, February 28, 2025

Super stimulations for Forces of NeoThink……..

January 17, 2016 by Tom B.  
Filed under Integrations

Hi, Mark!!

Pray tell, there is no turning back now!

You know, upon re reading my last integration, it seems as if I had left something out of the equation. I had forgotten to include the NeoThink forces.

(Wow!! How could I do that?)

So let’s see………if I understand this correctly, what we do is to take a force of nature, such as sexual excitement and exploration, or power, prestige and personal exaltation, (forces of nature) and then PAIR THESE with a force of NeoThink (messages from the new mentality, as you say, from the Civilization of the Universe; a message such AS biological immortality addressed to our child within).

We then take this composite of forces and wrap it around……..artfully………the marketing efforts we do for whatever it is we are entrepreneuring. Or perhaps……..this composite will be our marketing.

Wow!! Well, if I have YET to fully iron this all out smoothly, I think I am nonetheless well on my way.

And you know what?



This concept of super stimulations has truly taken hold in my mind. I find myself irresistibly drawn to and excited by it. This is what I want to do.

Super stimulations of/ for OUR CIVILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSE.

Wow!! What may yet still be possible?

Thanks again, Mark, for your heroic and visionary striving!!

Tom B.

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