Tuesday, February 25, 2025

reflecting point #4

June 30, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

my business required some knowledge of the bldg.trade that was greater then my to give you a finished product ok the gentleman bringing the car to me has a construction company dare i dream some more mark could he be another baby we seek wow wow mark how do you contain such work unfolding here we are bless so blessed to see the butterfly of life coming forth how can anyone say this is a sacrefice to have the privelege of having a front row seat to witness this totaly awesome and to have a ticket that few get what am i missing here will i not be given my just wage for an honest days work i think i will what is that i dont realy know for the journey is being met right now and the journey is this great then how much more is at the end this is as real as it gets FNE=NEOTHINK LIVING right so your cup runnth over wont there be new babies there to catch the overflow speaking of one of my names as a child was don of course all that taken away with memory erase but it was a dear now known grandfather name that he called me and if there is a problem with it i would like to know on my business card and web site to be i would like the heading to be BABY ZON DON incoropating everthing life child hood lost and regained and neo-tech leaving me with a great opening for conversation they can lead in many direction depending on situation lol thank you

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