Tuesday, March 4, 2025

re level 3

March 2, 2015 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I first heard of Neo Tech in the 80s when I started getting ads as little books in the mail about how I could learn to win at business sex and gambling. I bought some of the books advertised and they were difficult to read. It was like trying to read a college math book but only repetitions of Neo tech is good neo cheaters are bad with long lists of advantages and disadvantages. I never figured out what Frank Wallace was talking about or how it could lead to winning at business sex or gambling. I did get a sense that religion and politics were just control systems to perpetuate the ruling class. I was just suspicious that it was no different than socialism where they name the present rulers as bad to be overthrown and replaced with just another bad. I almost got caught up in Scientology but realized they were offering a method to free your mind only to be enslaved in an facsist organization. So what makes Neo Tech any better? In the nineties I started getting new offers from Mark Hamilton of Noveau Tech so I bought the three heirlooms. Ok so I still did not understand anything it was only a little better but I got the message that if you find your passion that you could turn creativity into income and then when you are successful you would be attractive to the other sex. It wasn’t until I read the story of Annabelle that I could see the big picture. but I still don’t know how to apply it to myself. Anything that I enjoy enough to call a passion or would consider playfully would be destroyed by the drudgery of making money. I would like to have a 3D printer so I could sell portraits of people animals or imaginary creations or machine parts but I don’t have money to buy one. I would like to buy an indoor skydiving machine so I could simulate skydiving but portable ones cost %500,000 and permanent structures cost millions and would have to be in a large population area to find enough customers. I have tried several direct marketing network marketing and affiliate marketing schemes but went bankrupt twice. how do you get people to buy from you when there are thousands of other people doing the same thing and how do you get others to network when only the heavy hitters are making money. So I believe you have to have something unique that no one else is doing to corner the market and you have to have money for operating costs until you make a profit. I have a photograph of a black and white cat that I could sell as a poster to cat lovers. But don’t listen to me cause I never made a penny except through hard labor and all the indirect costs of spending to support going to work make it nothing but slavery. You are trying to change the world to a better place but you have to deal with a bunch of people who are bickering over how it should be done. I have a minimal understanding of thinking in puzzle pieces to get a ten second miracle but unless I truly experience it I cannot explain it or sell it to others. I am not a person who could run a club house cause I don’t feel like arguing over intellectual knowledge that I haven’t mastered. I know the power of the subconscious mind because I have been fighting against my programming all my life. At this level every time I get a few extra bucks an emergency arises to take it away. a negative miracle. That is poverty consciousness at work. I am retarted on a fixed income and I am stuck. A couple years ago I got sick was in the hospital lost my job was evicted lost most of my possessions including all the Neo Tech books and have creditors calling me all the time. I don’t have enough money to file bankruptcy. I have wonderful lucid dreams though. I hope I go there when I die. Wally

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One Response to “re level 3”
  1. eva says:

    Very excited about mastering the level 3 concepts and moving into lvl 4. The possibilities do seem endless, both going public with NT and the Political campaign of TVP for protection only government, with all the regulations and restrictions removed from the individual businesses we will be able to explore and realize a new realm of living.

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