Tuesday, March 4, 2025

meeting 3

March 11, 2015 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton, WhenI read the introduction to my third lesson I KNEW i WAS A SEARCHER ; however,you put a new meaning on my search. Your lesson are intriguing and hopeful.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “meeting 3”
  1. Alice T says:

    mark, I was on the secret meeting , sunday evening, and did
    not leave much of a intergration,child zon, and forces of nature
    for marketing, tools, and the ten second miracle, beliave me i
    have experience those ten sec second miracle. i would love to
    intergrate numbera to my business, I recently adquired an on line
    shopping mall, i havent donemuch, because it requires advertising
    but i will,I love this because it gives me the exctement, and happiness
    i love in sales, which i have done,a lot.

    thank you mark, and dr wallace too.
    I would have love to have met him , I saw him in my minds eye
    before in saw him in the manuscript.

    Alice T.

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