Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Meeting #3

August 27, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I Have seen your meeting 3 several times and it has help me to understand things about myself that I Didn’t Quite ever understand I have never felt that i have change sence my childhood I have always liked younger girls I Still Cry like a child when i have my feelings hert. Big time tears and the whole works. i love people forever. Girls friends i had as a youngman i feal inside the same love that i did then witch is hard for me to bear some times. perhaps the bio i wrote
on classmates is the way you found the child like manner that i feel inside. I told in the Bio I wrote about Wanting to find my Special girlfrends and i looked for them for 47 yrs. The two I found Was the ones i wanted to find the most. One of them didn’t know who i was The Other said that she had been talking to her friends about me just the day before. People say, i do many things so different then other people. But that i want to be me and Just like i want to be. I had a 10 sec mirical come to my mind that something wonderful was bout to happen in my life. At three different times about a month before your letter came. This kind of thing has happened many times in my life. At a skiting rink, when i was 18, I was able to call numbers 1-4 on the rink floor several times in a row that won first prise for me and my Girlfriend. The game was when the music stopped the skaters were to stop on the closes number on the floor if the number you stoped on was called you were out. many tims I knew what numbers would be called a we would just skated to another number. I have know answer how i can do this it just comes as a flash in my mind. But if i try to do it, it never works.

About your marking system I beleve i remenber it working on me. when you said something about sex with a beautiful girl. I Was Hooked.


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