Thursday, February 27, 2025

Mark, I am ready for the next level

October 4, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I am so ready to market and promote this new knowledge and integrated thinking. I am breaking free of my mystic ways a little more each and every day. I rarely think of “God” in the old ways any more, and am enjoying thinking of myself as trustworthy of this life that has been given to me to live. I have rarely lived my life and am concerned/excited. Everything will and is changing about me. I have made so many decisions under false beliefs/ideals, and I have known this my whole life – through a gnawing at my gut anxiety and a sense of being created to accomplish great things. I thought at one time that perhaps I had delusions of grandeur – I felt to be such a failure. I am also concerned that I will be making a 180 degree turn around, though in my way of thinking, it is the culmination of things that I told many people, such as; heaven is not what we think it is and we will be so surprised to know the truth (how did I know that), God is not who or what we think and we can not possibly understand God from these scriptures, and that Jesus has been misunderstood for 2,000 years. I knew this on some confounded level, and did not have any idea of what the truth was. I only had this emptiness of not knowing what I desperately needed to know. I will admit I did not want to hear the Neothink answers, yet I had to hear them. I connected with them at such a deep and moving level, that I was compelled to buy what I could not buy and read what I did not want to, yet I did want to read on and on……I have not read this much in years and I was hungry for this information. I suppose I am ready to “come out of the closet.” I would prefer to leave my vocation as a chaplain, though I am very effective, and hope that the marketing plan will allow me to be free. So I am very excieted about the 4th Secret Meeting and any special announcements. I also suppose that I am ready to be at odds with my personal world, for I have built a wall of false beliefs and crutches, that will be painful to tear down. They are down in my own mind, but my daughter and spouse will not hear this well. It has not been time to tell them. I have shared some with my spouse, who was frightened. I suppose I will need to market them, also, little by little. My whole family is a Christian family but I have sensed deep within me, that I have been offered the truth, Mark, and I am truly grateful. I am trusting the universe and the law of attraction to put out good vibrations of love and care, hoping to realize that also in this new venture. My family loves me deeply, already, so I must trust that love will win the day and the hearts of those in whom I have invested deeply. It is mixed for me. I approach this time with tremendous excitement and trepidation; strange bed-fellows Take Care, and I appreciate you so very much, and all who have taken the time, energy, money, and compassion to notice and reach out to one such as me (remember, I am just finding out who I am)

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One Response to “Mark, I am ready for the next level”
  1. Nellie Hayse says:

    You do have a difficult quandry ahead of you, Charles, but you can and will do it because you are a seeking and are an honest man, who has found the answers and the truth. The path will become clear to you as you proceed. Many of us have difficulty sharing with our families as they have not read this literature and do not want it or the change that it will bring. Our mysticism has been there for many years. I am sure that your power thinking will help you find a new path and a solutionn. If you are in a clubhouse in your state, it will help you by meeting with fellow Neothinkers. Let me know if I can help you connect to some live members. Nellie from Virginia.

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