Tuesday, February 25, 2025

long haul

July 16, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

well i just completed the 2nd trip thru level 3 as always new evertime but i must say as i have said all along i am here because i am at the bottom of the food chain so to speak i have reached that point in life where you can exist almost and prepare your suit and get the bill paid for that black cadiyllac ride so what ever you have to offer at this point sounds good but this well it is a bit over the top you are saying get up get ready for you dont have to do that anymore because you were seeking something differant we are now offering something differant ok not a question of how much does it pay because look at what they promised you and you followed before got you and this is way beyound that even because this says here is what so many have missed for thousands of years well that does make sense total package now offer i change everthing in my life why wouldnt i get a whole new picture and the money oh that woudl be nice but it has to come with my ability to change that is what i will be paid for now as i see it so prime reason must be change money second as needed besides i have just experienced one item added already and all i did was order it in my mind the universe came thru to the letter sorry though it wasnt on my time it was as needed lol so in closing i would like to say if spreading neothink is what is needed and your word says there are rewards that is as good as it gets lets (GETER DONE) and i will follow you mark all the way to SELF LEADERSHIP but not to the sheep meat market ok i am a meek simple quiet shy person but must warn you install a kill switch because this is big and everone needs to hear thank you again

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