Tuesday, March 4, 2025

level 3 part 2

March 3, 2015 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I didnt get everything in my first level three post. one of the things that prevented me from learning is that the books are as big as a phone book and written like a college text book from the point of view of a businessman that I have no experience to relate to being a laborer. I just had an associates degree in auto mechanics and I found that education to be worthless because it was nothing like a real job in the real world. When I went to get a job they just laughed at me because that was not experience. so I ended up being a landscape laborer. The only thing that made any sense to me was the story of Annabelle. If you want this to go to the world your going to have to write a new series with the information edited down to more of the size and style that most people can understand rather than the few elite. Childrens books and popular novels. Dont forget that the socialists have dumbed down public education so everyone is at the level of the television show Portlandia. My kids were in the 3rd grade and still didnt know how to read so they had to be home schooled. I think a lot of criticism is linked to the fact that people don’t read all of a giant book before coming to the wrong conclusion. I kept buying them because I thought I missed something but could never actually read them through and after that I thought I spent so much already I can’t give up now. I cannot discount the enormous effort and skill put forth to write like a human computer and build this huge organization and website with daily conference calls. I think that disseminating it to the public like a business opportunity is the only way to go. Just trying to form a 3rd party has never worked before because the Republicans and Democrats have a monopoly on the political process. I say do like the socialists did and infiltrate both party’s under the name of progressives Only this is a business that can make everyone money instead of an entitlement. Give it a cool name like Objectivism. However I have failed repeatedly at business and I don’t really see how it will actually work and if I fail again it will be because it can’t be duplicated by everyone and needs to be adjusted until it does. Wally

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