Thursday, February 27, 2025

Level 3 Intergration Interpretation

November 29, 2016 by Janet  
Filed under Integrations

The more I READ THE MORE I realize why I have always been a WHAT IF mentality. I have not listen or read the news for 3 years. After the election I realized why. Way to many people who want to depend upon .career politicians take care of them. What they don’t realize they only think of us as Guinea Pigs. I could start with the Vietnam ” Conflict”. I will save more for later about what my husband passed from. He was a medic. Going to spend some time with friends today who are fans of MH . Will also try to finish logging onto Chat Room. Also will meet with someone who was my tech support when we worked at Eglin AFB.
Later. Janet G

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level 3 Intergration Interpretation”
  1. Janet G says:

    I reviewed the Level 3 again this evening to verify for my self that I was interpreting correcting. Less than 2 months I’ll be 69. Don’t feel or look the age. Been involved with marketing since 2006, when management refused to renew my contract at Eglin. By keeping notes off the bcomputer, I was able to prove harassment charges against an IG Colonel (retired). I have worked Wal Mart,Sears, Sams, Gift Shop,at 4 Points Hotel, until Hurricane Katrina. Got back on at Same under Crossmark. You know the rest you probably met me while I was working 3days a week. Now only on Saturday, when they need me.

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