Thursday, February 27, 2025

Level 3 Integrations

December 6, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I have designed a green wind power electrical generator and I’m in the process of completing the prototype.

The common denominator of this product is that most people use electricity in their homes. I need a beautiful attractive model to appeal to the forces of nature to help market my product.

After the prototype is tested and patents secured I will need to power partner to bring the forces of Neothink into action.

Simultaneously I will work on marketing gin because this appears to be the best proven path to success.

Thank you for providing these wonderful opportunities for me and risking your life in helping me and your other apprentices.

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One Response to “Level 3 Integrations”
  1. Andrea says:

    I really need to take a break and think about what I just experienced!
    This so great!…but, it’s also too much…!
    I need to meditate….to ponder on it…..before I can do any integration.
    I will be, probably, posting my integration sometime…I don’t know when…
    if that is ok.
    Great meeting!
    Worthy…every single minute of it!
    Thank you!

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