Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Level 3 Integration (Alaska)

August 7, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Neothink: What nerves did we first touch in you to get your immediate attention?


Me: Why did I respond to Neothink?

Answer: When I received THE LETTER dated September 15, 2007, it was the following sentences, or paragraphs in that LETTER that affected my Child of the Past that caused me to take immediate action in accepting your membership invitation and 56-page booklet containing your Greatest Kept Secret:

1) “There has existed for many years an exclusive association, a secret society, of the world’s most famous and powerful people. This association has uncovered some shockingly powerful secrets. These secrets are the reason these well-known individuals have achieved great prosperity and success”.

2) “Melanie, the association has analyzed your profile. It seems you possess several traits we are searching for. Because of these traits you are eligible to become part of our exclusive club and to share our secrets, too. Those who chose you realize your special qualities. YOU’VE GOT IT! You just have not fully realized your special qualities yet”.

3) “We know that you, Melanie, have experienced moments in which you feel spiritually gifted. You know you are special. You are here to do great things with your life. Have you ever felt like God or some higher power may be communicating with you? If you answered YES, then you are indeed that special person we are looking for. And this is your calling”.

4) “Melanie, you’re probably experiencing some uneasiness, restlessness and a dissatisfaction with the world. You long for success, an exciting and satisfying relationship and real wealth”.

Revelation: Approximately five years before Neotech/Neothink entered my life, I would often think or say to myself, “there’s got to be more to life than getting up to an alarm clock at 6:00am Monday thru Friday to go to a j-o-b that I didn’t want or enjoy” but had to because (1) it was the only job offered to me and (2) I had exhausted my savings in network marketing and MLM business opportunities that produced very little or no income at all.

So while working this boring, stagnant-rut routine job (secretary), my Child of the Past would spend evenings at home and weekends reading books on self-development, self-improvement, spiritual and motivation to keep my spirits up. Books such as Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, Think, and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, The Complete I Ching: The Definitive Translation by Taoist Master Alfred Huang and Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard.

It was while reading The Complete I Ching that my destiny was revealed to me, but I didn’t know when or how it would occur. The I Ching was a handbook for divination. It tells one who consults it about the present situation and future potential and also gives instruction about what to do and what not to do to obtain good fortune and to avoid misfortune. The guidance is based upon comprehensive observation of natural laws by ancient sages and their profound experiences of the principle of cause and effect.

And so when I consulted the I Ching to know my present circumstances and my future potential (my destiny), I received the following interpretation:

Present circumstances: “Her light will illuminate every corner of the land as does the sun. People will follow. Nothing is unfavorable”.

Future potential: “Peace and happiness enjoyed by oneself or given to others”.

I didn’t understand how or when these could occur.

It wasn’t until I joined Neothink that it all became clear to me.

The Neothink Movement will spread to every corner of the land (globe). People will follow means people all over the world will want to join. And the people who join will enjoy peace and happiness. Her light will illuminate means I will play a part in spreading the word about Neothink to people around the world and thus enjoy peace and happiness myself. 🙂

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