Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Level 3

September 23, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Wow so many thoughts went through my mind. I just watched it the second time and I started trying to see how I can use the idea of nature in my music.

Something I’d like to get off my chest. When I first read how you define art and in particular music I initially got really freaking angry. But I trudged through and kept reading anyway because my child of the past inside me wanted so bad to find out how to become rich and famous and attract women like a magnet after all the years of hard work and practice and intense obsessive study of music by people like Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus and Thelonious Monk, composers and performers sometimes considered on the fringe. Jazz is my favorite to play by far but I can play any style and since jazz is a young music as compared to classical jazz just seemed to be filled with innovation after innovation one right after the other as it evolved from decade to decade. People making sounds with instruments that to some sound truly beautiful and deeply moving but to others might sound like pure noise. But to me one of the great things about music is there’s so many different kinds. So much to choose from to fit the mood of the time even though everybody might not like all of it. And I know this might be considered nit picky but in book III when Reggie’s conducting an orchestra and there’s three melodies playing, which is called counterpoint and has been done since the time of Bach in like the 1600-1700s, you said they played the same note in three octaves and it was a dominant chord. Well, I hate to break it to you but the same note in three different octaves is not even close to a dominant chord. By then I’d already read so much of your material I just told myself I have to finish the book I’m already this far through it. Yeah so I know this all sounds negative but I hate to roll my eyes and grit my teeth just to get through a few paragraphs of a 1,100 page book. Makes me feel like I have to overlook what I know to get through to the stuff I don’t know. But then I wonder, if he’s that ignorant about music but pretends to know everything there is to know about art in general how ignorant is he at the other topics I don’t know much about but he pretends to?

And there’s something I can’t comprehend yet. I’d like to believe it but it just doesn’t match what I’ve seen with my own eyes regarding human nature. You come across to me a little like you’re looking through rose colored glasses. Change the government and suddenly everyone will become perfect and never hurt each other ever again. With all the truths out there in the universe we know that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or, everything has it’s opposite. I believe most people want to be good people but for some reason there are always a small number who want to be bad. I don’t know why but they do. They like it and they always will. The people who get pleasure from witnessing or even causing someone else’s pain. But on the other hand in the original Constitution of the United States before they added zillions of laws the only crime spoken of in the Constitution was murder and how to prosecute him/her. So apparently they already gave that approach a shot. Apparently it didn’t work out cause they had to start adding more laws. And I’ve got to add, a few weeks ago on the artist’s call teleconference when some guy got on there and started shouting offensive racial slurs, well it was the first one I’d ever had the chance to listen to and I was shocked. And I wondered, is this the type of people who’re in here? This is who they want me to associate with? This ignorant racist is who they think is a soul mate of mine? I freaking hope not as a feeling of dread filled me as they tried to verbally control the guy and were unable to. I’ve played in a lot of racially mixed bands and I like it that way. My complaints just seem so obvious to me and I’m sure you’ve heard them before and I’m not trying to antagonize. I just want to understand. And I keep remembering things like isn’t God supposed to be all knowing? Different religions might define God with different attributes. But hey if I can obtain the animalistic things I’m attracted to and that drew me here, great masses of wealth, fame, women, then I’m all in. And regarding religion, obtaining immortality and becoming Gods and Godesses is right there 100% in the Mormon church I grew up in which is probably part of why I kept reading. Which is just what you said with your secret code. In the Mormon Church’s doctrine we were taught that during the millennium Christ would come again and people would be resurrected. And those that died during the millennium instead of going to the spirit world their body would change in the twinkling of an eye and be instantly perfected and their spirits would never leave their bodies. Maybe you’re just providing a way for these predictions to take place. Like maybe a Zon came to Earth, told Joseph Smith he was God, and had the foresight because of his Zonhood and super super integrated Zon power thinking and knew you were coming.

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One Response to “Level 3”
  1. Nellie Hayse says:

    Thanks for your integrations Don. You certainly are making progress in your thinking. I am not sure how much you have read of the 1200 page manuscript, but please keep reading and you will find some of the answers to your questions. The Neothink Society believes that all human life, every life, is the highest value on the planet, regardless of who or what the person is, where they cams from, their age, race, or lifestyle. I am very surprized that you ran into racism on one of our calls and I am sure the people running that call will take care of it. My apologies. It is unusual.

    Please keep reading and listening. Are you connected to a live Neothink clubhouse in your state. I can help you connect if you want. Nellie from Virginia

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