Wednesday, February 26, 2025

level 3

August 31, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I understand that I have a important task in front of me. My diversity is going to add strength to our common goal of bringing the C of U to Earth. People must work together, if they don’t we will never enjoy the new world of peace, wealth, health,happiness,and immortality. I plan on doing anything ask of me and anything in my power to bring in the new world order. I see the big picture,I’m part of something big. I’m up for the challenge and looking forward to find out more details on how to bring the C of U to the public.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “level 3”
  1. Nellie Hayse says:

    You write some beautiful thoughts Dante. Thnak you so much. Let’s put some of your willingness to work now? Are you connected to a clubhouse in your state. If not send me an email and I will try to connect you. Are you a member of the Neothink website? If not you may want to join. On the website you can keep up wit all that is going on to move the society forward and you can be a part of whatever avenues interest you. Also, go to and you will get a monthly newsletter about what is going on in the society. Get connencted and put all your wonderful ideas to work. We need more people involved to get us to the Twelve Visions World. Thans again for your comments. Nellie from Virginia PUT Neothink in the subject line.

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