Monday, February 24, 2025

Level 3

December 13, 2020 by Xameleon18  
Filed under Integrations

Hi! I have second time letter about my 3rd level and reminder to by book, but I can’t afford it because it’s expensive. Also I want to say that the letter you sent me the last 2 times came here just day before I have to send or call to order. I’m confused now because you send me different letters about very special meetings and that I was chosen. I don’t have the way to pay these membership since I don’t work. Maybe I can start paying monthly, but I can’t afford it to buy other books now. I really can’t. Maybe if I win some money I will still buying books. Thank you for your offer!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 3”
  1. Linda Rose says:

    I needed to do Level 3, but I couldn’t find it on the website. I could only find Level’s 1 & 2. This is the last day of the month. I try to log in towards the end of the month, since that is when I started logging in. Where do I find Level 3?

  2. Steve Rapella says:

    Linda, we are in the process of upgrading this site and placing all the meetings on your account at one time so you can move through the meetings at your own pace

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