Thursday, February 27, 2025

Intergrations level 3 feedback ?

November 17, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

This is my 2nd attempt to integrate on level 3 today. I made my first attempt and tried to send and it wouldn’t accept and said error. So I tried to save and print and still wouldn’t let me so lost it all …1. Mini day & mini company’s. number 2. 10 second miracles 3. marketing secret common denominators. Value creators all Neo thinkers Neothink life for all . Eternal Romantic Love for a true eternal everlasting relationship, Civilization of Universe vs anti civilization. Friday night essence to me is music art and sharing health information to each and all in life. To become an independent business man with at this point 3 businesses to integrate into the Neothink process as 3 + mini companies to operate out of my home as well as becoming a health consultant out of my home. I am working now just started on my MBA online in Health and Wellness to integrate into becoming self sufficient and to share with my Neothink sisters and brothers. I also am eager to become a active Neothink TVP Warrior to get the word out and to expand our operating bases and expand with new members of our society . To be world wide conscious and to help others be independently operating from homes or work sites and get away from anticivilization processing and thinking restraints to think out of the box and know no boundaries in our new life in the C of U world we live in now.
Gary Bruce Griffith in Baltimore Md.21221

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Intergrations level 3 feedback ?”
  1. I retired early because I had a brain aneurysm and I worked almost ten years after I had the aneurysm. It has been very difficult and I do not know why I was chosen to be a part of this great group. It is very true I am a searcher and I have extensively searched all my life. Especially for the meaning of life and the Big Question-what happens when we die. I have not found anything concrete that I can say “Hey this is it” Not even this great group of thinkers can i say that. I have experienced different realms and have had contact with beings from other worlds or realities. I know for certain they do exist but to what effect they have on us-our planet I still cannot say. As far as this group goes-it it great because they-we are searching but nothing can be proven. It cannot be proven one way or another. It leaves me feeling dissatisfied-unable to really make a deep connection like i want to make. I feel kind of sad as i thought this would be a great answer and maybe it will be as i am only on step three. Maybe as time goes by I will get a true picture the big picture. I have been given a big job in Nashville that i cannot seem to put together. It involves the Entertainment and Music Industry.I am very creative and i have gotton a block from all of this it seems. i have always felt unique, different then most people and I did not let it bother me. it still does not bother me. I like being myself. I am a writer, song writer and healer. I do possess certain abilities. Music, healing and writing. Right now i am having to live at my sisters house for maybe another month but I am forced to do all of this writing and study late at night because I use their computer. i dislike living like this. I have had to hide my materials because believe me they would not look on this kindly. I do not like having to live like this. I have enjoyed this study of these materials. It has given me a whole new outlook on things but it does not make me feel better. More later.

    Thank you
    Karen McElroy

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