Wednesday, February 26, 2025

I knew it!!!

July 28, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

In receiving the materials early on, at first I thought “What a Marketing Scheme”, but because it kept addressing itself to my inner child and addressed that child in such a way that I couldn’t completely say no and finally decided that I knew it was a very unique and powerful marketing program and having some background I decided to stay engaged and see where it took me, fully expecting to have an “ah ha” moment and throw the program out the window as just another disappointment disguised as work, as not delivering what it promised, etc. I think some of it although unique is a little hokey, but find that a lot of effort and thinking has gone into it and that keeps me wanting to catch up, know more and experience some of the benefits both as an individual/child who is growing as well as the financial success. I’m still strangely drawn,enthusiastic and engaged. I am developing doubts about my previous belief systems and am experiencing the beginnings of a paradigm shift. See you next month.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “I knew it!!!”
  1. Nellie Hayse says:

    Hi Randy. My name is Nellie and I live in Virginia. Mark has assigned me to be the level 3 mentor. I enjoyed your comments and your integrations as you saw how your thinking was changing as you read and listened. These books have cetainly changed my life and they will change yours as well. First you begin to see the world as it really is, then your thinking changes and you will never be the same again. You have just begun your journey and it gets better and better. Hang in there as there is much more for you ahead. I want you to be an awesome success with downstream focus and happiness.

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