Sunday, February 23, 2025


November 15, 2009 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mark and family,we are in the final stages as we know…and all the things discussed in lessons 1 thru 3 are just incrediable and really are hopefully fine tuning us for the big event in World History…It’s up to us to stand tall and bring this complete truth to society in a whole across the universe.I have never been so exicited in all my days as IAM becoming as each new day passes and we get that much closer to the political elections.Thank you Mark for all your seaseless hours of dedication and heart felt devotion to not only me ,but for the Universe.I swear we are like 2 peas in a pod and I find it an honor that I have such a wonderful mentor as you Mr. Hamilton!!!! I will be thanking U for the endless ages of eternity for U finding me and solitifing in me what I always knew, but no one else on this planet would see nor hear or believe!But because of U Mark the people are waking up and starting to see our vision.Which is peace, love,joy,happiness,freedom and ultimately immortality.Which I thought was comical when U said we go out of bussiness.(I cant wait for that day!)Well I could write forever, but time is callin me, GOODBYE FOR NOW! Until we meet on the BEACHES OF THE WORLD! BROTHER CHAD TRYBA.If anyone has any comments for me or personal questions here is my personal direct line call me ASAP! anytime day or night IAM always awake!(920)713-2558.
P.s>I want to start a ploitical campaign and also secret meetings in my area , Mark plz call me and inform me on the nessary steps I must take to do so……AMEN

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