High -level Marketing
October 17, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Hello. hello,
Marketing is a huge subject with a lot of different angles to it. As a consultant for small and middle-sized businesses for close to 20 years; Marketing one one of the approaches I ended up helping businesses with. Marketing was a subject I did well in business school( Oslo Norway in the sixties)When I started consulting after a period of working as a Civil Engineer I actually started by “knocking” on .doors and then referrals came and expanded my business as a consultant. This happened at first in Norway in 1980
I didn’t pay much attention to any particular action besides just doing a presentation and I believe in retrospect that I manage to communicate honesty and trust across. Five years later when I came to the US, I studied a different approach where actually the numbers game came This marketing approach to the different public’s of the company after the contract had been signed could be explained as a soliciting survey were typically go-buttons were worked out. This worked very well also when I established a consulting firm in Copenhagen in mid- nineties to solicit for consulting services. When working as a free-lance which I did most of the time in Scandinavia, I did an intermediate phase after the initial survey by sending out a test in the mail. Amazingly I had d a 25 % return on these tests coming back. The consulting pgm I started my clients with had to do with
Efficiency and Productivity tying into the main statistics or Key Number of the company.
When I worked with another consulting firm on the West Coast, these numbers became a tool to measure the effectiveness of the Marketing being done.(media ads, etc) and thus consulting could happen on remote.
Unfortunately I have lost out on a lot of the Interne-type of marketing avenues
except for a few as E-zine being one of them.
So during this lesson I could see a whole new world of Marketing happening on a large scale. I had a few TSM’s happening related to this new approach and could follow the beginning of establishing Common Denominators and tapping into the Force of Nature. I believe I also understood the importance of connecting up with our Goal of an immortal civilization; but need more insight into the tools of how to accomplish a platform to do this. I am looking forward to mare hatting on this exiting new approach to Marketing.
Thank you Mark H for letting me in on this. I will set aside a mini-company schedule to be part of this and look forward to the continuation. The whole super-puzzle of the Cof U is a fabulous Goal of course and I believe we can make great strides towards this happening. Thanks again for inviting me in to become part of this. Good Night.
Trygve G. jr