Monday, February 24, 2025

Forces of nature bye bye

March 24, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Holy crap,this beautifull meeting woke my ass up,after reading Neothink discovery 5 years ago which saved me from this anticivilization,now i have woken up from the forces of nature,if i may explain alittle about myself? i have been smokeing since i was 7years old,drinking since i was 15 years old,and was in fights almost everyday of my life,never puting up with crap from anyone,reading my three charrished hierlooms, have giving profound insight to the c of u,to anyone in denial about ones life,this testamonial is undiniable and concreted thanks to my mentor and new friends who i would defend to the death just like ricco.The power of the forces of neothink is reveerberating,the residual forces are a power i cant deny, i have no desire to drink and smoke for they are false stimulations that have no place in my conscious thinking mind,i cant wait untill next level 4,even unemployed for a year because i choose to be i will be a major part of this wonderfull movement mark my words love all of you lets get this moving, sincerally rick.

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