Monday, March 3, 2025

balance energy

July 7, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

first thanks mr h itook the first two meeting and the heilooms and something sparked and be fore this 3 meeting i had absorbed the message and came up with this commen denomiantor i,ll keep it brife this blance energy consist of the hold world keep in mind this test i have ran is littel compared to the world let see i under stand the nature of teaching u gave. it make common sence from baby to poor to rich from old to young from amican to chiness ect can combound with this blance energy cant get n two much detale if am right then thow this with helpn the world in mind can be powerful ive been writen it down and when finished hope your priten comp. will publish it on every thing i love and test ive ran so fare it worken but world wide will be the ultamint test thx mr h.

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