Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Where is The Best Place to Hide a Magic Tree?

October 24, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

It’s Friday night. What have i been doing?

Writing sales materials and making marketing breakthroughs for the NT philosophy.

As it’s Friday night. This is my essence.

So where is the best place to hide a magic tree?

In a forrest full of magic trees. Then if someone was to find a magic tree. And decided to chop it down. There would still be lot’s of magic trees left. A forrest full.

What’s more the ground will be perfectly fertile. Ready for a taller, stronger tree to grow almost overnight. Still just one tree. But one tree in a never ending forrest of one trees.

You need youth. Not youth who will wait and play follow my leader. Youth that will rise up, although still a bit rough round the edges. And FIGHT.

Euphoria can be a bit lonely sometimes when it feels as though you are the only one who is feeling euphoric.

Now is the time for a new marketing approach. Not one to replace the old tried and tested marketing. One to co-exist in perfect harmony without overlapping current activities. But branching out into new realms. Bringing the time when enough people sharing the same philosophy meld together. Creating an un-stoppable revolution.

A revolution with the end result of victory. Real victory. Victory over the elite class of parasitical rulers. Those that have assumed power over people. Power that they did not earn. A punishable crime. Peacefully punishable.

No one. Not a single person alive today had anything to do with creating the anti-civilisation. The tragedy is how much we have invested in it. And how reluctant we are to write off those investments.

You gave me the license to freedom. Will you give me a license to CREATE freedom for others. Not by standing on a soap-box trying to get as many people to listen to UN-INTEGRATED concepts as possible.

But a license to deliver the complete picture. To deliver the civilisation of the universe.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Some of my marketing might attract bad publicity. But bad publicity that would be directed at the marketing. Marketing that could be dismissed. The picture that the marketing provided would still be the same. Attacks can be turned into advantages easily when you are right.

When you have 114 specific advantages. There is no fear. As you know that you cannot be beaten.

It’s all in the numbers. A % of peole will order. Some will actually read the material. A smaller percentage will integrate the concepts. A smaller percentage still will fully integrate the concepts. Smaller and smaller numbers breaking through to that higher level.

It starts with the largest number. The % of people who order.

And ends with the smallest number. One. In the Matrix they are looking for the one and find Neo. Neo-Tech, The Civilisation of The Universe, all of us are looking for THE one. The secret is we are all THE ONES.

When you have enough one’s, you can make any number you want. An infinate number of one’s leads to the BEST numbers …

… Infinite Creation

Infinite Happiness

Infinite Wealth.

C’est si bon.

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