Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Three Great Secrets Lesson 3

October 17, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Ten secound miricals, Friday night essence, the minidayschedual.This
is the focus that N.T. uses to jump ahead in life. Letsalso include the N.S.M. The A.C. may make schedualed plans and, brain storm into new ideas , work durning the day and, go to school at night and the other way around. A ha, they may even understand common denominators. For example, I took a class in college. We were to remember each others names. To do so, everyone associated thier name with an activity that they liked. I was Karl, I liked to ride bicycles. That was the association for memory. That is something like a common denominator. Understanding these tools as N.T. has layed them out could make the A-C’s focus more sharp but, I’m sure the greed evil and, selfishness will be played through them. I believe that the new alluminati, the Neo Tech family, nicly put, “the most strongest bond among people”,will very carefuly bring in the “New World Order”. How about the C of U. – Now I understand who Jesus was and why the leaders of the A-c had such a dislike for him. I think that dislike may exist for the C of U. So, here we have the two ways of bringing about the C of U : 1. Bring people into the Neo Tech family and, 2. establishing the politle party. Yes, the tools are here: common denominators,10 second miricles and, out side of the NMS, of wich I beleave the A.C. may not understand, it looks like I see some of tese tools already at use in some chemercails. Like radio, the sound of coke being sucked through a straw at the botom of a cup with an … ahhh at the end. Thus, playing on your apitite as a lead into the chemerciall possibly leading into another product. A prety lagy standing next to a brand new car. Of course, are you selling the car? I wonder if some of our N.T. family have made it out in to the A.C. society with some of these tools. We have two different pictures here, The N.T. Family and, the A.C. Let me see if I can ring some money out of the A.C. and, possibly make some difference. Thank You

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