Friday, March 14, 2025

Searching for that once happy little boy.

September 18, 2012 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

When I was a little boy I day-dreamed all the time about the life that I could see, and what I saw was nothing like the way the world is now. I’m so disgusted by the leaders of the modern world, and sickened by their lies and the way they have squandered our futures. I was working in a dead-end job for the last six years and I was bearley keeping my head above water. I was treated like dirt, but I always tried to do a quality job. So I decided enough was enough and went out and got my commercial drivers license. I got a truck driving job,and started driving over-the-road from Minnesota to California. It was in California when I discovered my friday night essence. I love the earth and I AM AMAZED AT WHAT THESE WONDERFUL PEOPLE ARE DOING WITH A DRY PEICE OF DIRT! I thought to myself, this must be what being a ZON is all about. They are as efficient as they can be with the limited fresh water they have,and they are producing something from nothing while helping the enviroment,this soil would otherwise be parched and eventually lost. They provide jobs for people and lots of good food. I can truthfully say, I LOVE THESE PEOPLE. My friday night essence is water conservation. I have some ideas on how to retain more water for the dry places on earth and how to make more water possible for irrigation. In my opinion , every city on earth is going to face water shortages ,and there is billions to be made…..

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