Thursday, March 6, 2025


December 15, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Hello, I am excited to be at level 3 and learning more of why i was chosen and what Neo-Think is about. Amazingly this 3rd level is exactly what I am searching out here to do along with my many FNEs. I want to change the world so my people will live in civilization instead of anticivilization. I want my people/ the world to prosper and be all that we are meant to be without all the limits the preachers, politicians etc have set before us which has stagnated this world to actually destroying most of America. I want to do what i need to to get people to open up there minds really open them up and think out side the box, leave the mysticisms behind and walk into greater more abundantly and healthy lives!!! I am anxious for level 4. I attended the clubhouse in Jersey this past weekend and im little disaapointed with myself because i bought guest but they dont understand the importance of networking so they were bored and we left and i wasnt able to really get my moneys worth and accomplish more but i did get my business card out and talke to a few people. Im happy to kno that NeoThink is a positive movement wanting to celebrate life instead of diesease and that people do have to look deeper and decode what the heirlooms are really showing and teaching. Honestly i think my brand and business goes perfectly with what NeoThink is trying to accomplish so that we can live in a better world a better society and be prosperous! I told my mom the other day it really wouldnt be bad we didnt have a government, but yet each group of people follows the NeoThink guidelines. It would be awesome to live in a world where everyone is on the same page of being a great human rather than an overpowering negative entity.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

  1. Louis Uzoh says:

    Hello, I am delighted to know today how I was chosen. I also learned in this level 3 Secret Meeting with Mr. Mark Hamilton learned about the Forces of Nature and the Forces of Neothink. And also the powerful Marketing Forces of both Forces of Nature and Forces of Neothink.
    Yes finally today I have now known my FNE’s with Mark Hamilton. My FNE is to HELP CHANGE THE WORLD by Marketing the Neo-Tech and Neothink Products and Services to the hungry, starving world who needs it. I have accepted to be a part of History in bringing my family, friends and the rest of the world to C of U.,to a New Civilization, to TVP Platform. There is no career in the universe greater than this calling! I know there will be challenges and forces but with strategies outlined in the literature which I will continue reading and applying in Marketing and teaching the new comers, I shall succeed. I will continue to revisit this website and replay withn the week this Secret Meeting with Mr. Mark Hamilton. I will do the assignment he gave me to do reading Vision 3, 4 and 9. Thank you Mark for this opportunity. Louis U.

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