Friday, December 27, 2024

Post Thoughts of Level Three Meeting

May 17, 2010 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Most interesting. In this meeting I came across the forces of nature aspect. It is something I learned about years ago when I first got my license to sell insurance. One of the companies that I worked with used the the forces of nature as well as other desires to sell products that they knew would have no long term value to the people they were selling to. I ‘ve always wanted to create values for mankind but I didn’t know the difference between value production and value creation until neotech. I went into ways on my own to bring values to those who were around me and I succeeded to some extent but I seem to always come up short. I was never good with numbers but I was very good at having and instituting new ideas and concepts. I’ve also found out that if I don’t constantly tap into and stay in a creative mode that I feel the stagnation that neotech has made me more aware of. I need to go through the level 3 meeting again to augment the new ideas that I am coming to imbrace but I’m having difficulties with getting into the meetings and the website for the past three weeks regardless of which computer I use. I hope these issues are resolved soon. The information in the meetings is to valuable to miss. I have alot more I would like to communicate but I have to be off to my income mini-day for now. Thanks for finding me and and bringing me into the society.

I Remain Sincerely,

Bartholomew Sykes Sr.

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