Thursday, March 6, 2025

Neothink Marketing Secret

October 11, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

During the two previous months, we respectively studied the Friday-Night Essence (FNE) and the Ten-second Miracle (TSM). This month, being in Level 3, we study the Neothink® Marketing Secret (NMS). It’s a three-piece Neothink® puzzle, namely: “the Common Denominators” or first puzzle piece to the NMS; “the Forces of Nature” or second puzzle piece to the NMS; and the “Forces of Neothink®” or third puzzle piece to the NMS. Each piece of the Neothink® Marketing puzzles can be used for the advantages beyond the business world. Of course, we can use the separate pieces until the time comes when the pieces can come together to emit the synergy of Neothink®, meaning the interaction of all three pieces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of all the individual pieces’ effect. And now, let go to the first puzzle piece to start to learn the Neothink® Marketing Secret (NMS).

Common Denominators are the building blocks of integrated thinking. Great marketing ideas are discovered by identifying needs that are large Common Denominators among large sections of the population. For example, the Grand Internet Service that we all know and use. The founder of the major internet service looked into the business world and integrated a large common need for internet. He used the first puzzle piece to the NMS and identified a large common denominator need for a product/service. He started the internet service and became a millionaire.

Common denominators can be found in other places in business. For example, Henry Ford first found his huge marketing common denominator “Making the car affordable to the average American.” But of course, he could not start with that. He had to look through his business to later find his common denominator in manufacturing “Bring the work to the people instead of the people to work.” Then Ford formatted his common denominator through the assembly line. He had his production line manage the people instead of the people manage production. That common denominator in manufacturing was the biggest breakthrough of all time. Finally, it also helped to bring the marketing breakthrough to the people “Making the car affordable to the average American.”

Now, let’s look at making Neothink® a household word as common as the car. We all know that widespread Neothink® is ultimately needed to cause mankind to take the leap out of this anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe (C of U). Those of us in this secret society know that Neothink® is the greatest common-denominator need/product on our planet. However people outside this secret society do not know that. They will not know the need for Neothink® in their lives until they feel emotionally drawn to Neothink®. Like Henry Ford and the car, we must look in different areas of the business of Neothink® until we find a common denominator elsewhere beyond the product itself. Our respectful mentor M.H. emphasized that Ford found his common denominator in manufacturing but Neothink® will find its common denominator in personnel, i.e. in this group of apprentices. He repeated that this group has come together through one powerful common denominator: the apprentices are rare people of the world whose child of the past is alive and searching. They did not resign to the anticivilization. They are the chosen ones who will bring mankind out of the anticivilization and into the civilization of the Universe (C of U). We are the first generation of Neothink® that will be allowed to go public.
We are learning the full range of common denominators: the internet millionaire found his common denominator in his product/service; Neothink® will find its common denominator in personnel; and Ford found his common denominator in operations/manufacturing. Really, it’s the toughest place to break through with the common denominator advantage. We must look at other areas in the business where common denominator can be identified and then used to achieve marketing success.
Now, let’s go to the second puzzle piece to the NMS to continue our study.

The Forces of Nature being huge common denominators, therefore understanding them can make the difference between failure and success. Our marketing and advertising must capture those huge common denominators, even if they tie into the anticivilization. We are now in the Neothink® Society, why do we still have to use the Forces of Natures for marketing and advertising?
Well, we leapt into human consciousness after the breakdown of the bicameral mind between two thousand and three thousand years ago. We are conscious beings and no longer animals of nature. However, because we are in an anticivilization of bicameral-like reactions, we must reach people at their level. By getting down to the Forces of Nature, we tap into some of the largest common denominators in existence. The Forces of Nature give us the most powerful marketing and advertising tools. When we advertise something, tap into the Forces of Nature. Wrap the Forces of Nature around our selling points to reach people’s underlying desires.

The Forces of Nature used in marketing and advertising include: sex appeal, beauty, prestige, prosperity, wealth, power, popularity, health, social advantages for self and children. Appeal to the Forces of Nature and not to the hard work. That goes for any ad.
A fundamental Force of Nature is: woman. Offer deep discounts to women; perhaps let them in for free (in a gym for instance). Of course, whenever women are, men will come. But always remember that marketing and advertising demand constant studying of the numbers, in order to make the invaluable ten-second miracles (TSM). Moreover, the Neothink® Society uses the Forces of Nature to get our attention, it does something unique that even the world’s best marketers do not understand and will not understand for some time to come.
Let’s now move to the third puzzle piece to the NMS which surpasses all marketing approaches the world has ever known and which is unique to Neothink®.

Most people do have the child of the past inside but the child is in a state of complete resignation. However, for our actual group of apprentices, according to our mentor, the child of the past was buried inside us, in the right-hemisphere brain and the child is still living and wants to live forever. That’s why Neothink® Society call that child “the cycle two state of our life”. That buried little ZON within us, if reached, will respond. Every person was once a little mysticism-free ZON, a very long time before the child absorbed the mysticism from the world around him.
By understanding the Forces of Neothink®, we at the Neothink® Society, send a secret message in code to that child of the past within. We have to do so in secret code or secret message, for, the anticivilization-infected conscious mind will block any direct communication from the Civilization of the Universe (C of U). So, how to create and send a C of U secret message to the child of the past, the infant ZON within?

Because we are in the anticivilization, so in the field of marketing and advertising, we had better avoid such concept as “biological immortality” for instance. Why? Because the straight-out talk of biological immortality brings empty responses from adults. Thus, if we replaced the concept “biological immortality” by similar concept used in the anticivilization such as “Procreation”, we developed the expression “sexual immortality”. Here we have shifted the Forces of Neothink® back to a Force of Nature, while at the same time sending a secret code, i.e. a secret message to the infant ZON, – the world’s largest yet most difficult common denominator to tap. Through this “shifting technique” the child of the past hears the C of U talking to him. And the adult self in the left-hemisphere brain hears the Forces of Nature talking to him and will experience an impulse to purchase the product in response to the irresistible Force of Nature: “sexual immortality”. That’s the three-way combination of tapping the large common denominator, pushing Forces-of-Nature impulses, and obtaining the Forces-of-Neothink® residual result in secret marketing “sexual immortality.”

Another example is a similar concept, familiar to the Neothink® Society: “a living job of value creation”.
The above concept can be replaced by “the remarkable money-making possibility” when we shift to bring in the Forces of Neothink®. The Forces of Nature give the adult a strong impulse to get this real route to big money. The Forces of Neothink® give the child in the past a residual to keep coming back to Neothink®. So, we blend together the possibility of making big money with creating values that did not exist before. We blend together the Forces of Nature with the secret message to the infant ZON within.
That secret message is: value creation.

As a matter of fact, the third puzzle piece to the NMS – Forces of Neothink® – seems to be not quite easy to apply. That’s the reason why our respectful mentor advises us that we don’t need to pursue it in our marketing yet. Meantime, just concentrate on the first two puzzles pieces. Concentrate on identifying common denominators. Look in all four components of business for common denominators: 1/ values/product; 2/numbers/marketing; 3/operations (including manufacturing); and 4/ personnel.
Also, particularly in the marketing component, recognize and engage the Forces of Nature. We must learn also to implement and format common denominators as done by Henry Ford. And bear in mind that all the marketing secrets using the Forces of Nature are highly guarded and have never been told outside our Neothink® Society. Consequently, they are for our eyes and ears only. As members of the Neothink® Society, we can pass those secrets to our children and spouse only. Naturally, the Neothink® Marketing Secrets are the legal property of our Neothink® Society.
Pha N.

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