Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Neothink Secret Messaging

December 23, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I am interested in the Neothink Secret Messaging that MH taught in Meeting 3. I like that he said that outsiders cannot hear it and lash out. I got the message because I like this Meeting.
There is also another teaching in Meeting 3 that mark talked about which is recurring in my mind because I like that. The resurrected Zon. That every member feels family values for each other, a sense of belonging. I like that. I feel it too.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

3 Responses to “Neothink Secret Messaging”
  1. Dear Darrin,
    My name is Rosa Lerblance and I read and agree on what you said about NSM. I think I get the NSM myself. When I am cooking or doing something resourceful or not, I think about the lessons I have studied with MH or anything pertaing to Neothink. The thoughts come and go but I am aware at that moment I need to get on the computer as soon as possible to communicate with Neothink. It’s a wonderful feeling for me as I go to my own private world with the supersociety. I also was a little confused with the resurrected Zon but I get it as I feel it working inside me. I feel very welcomed on the seminars more each time. The family values that the mentors are teaching on the meetings are also teaching me how to say I Love You. You see Darrin I was never thought to say I love you growing up because of my upbringing. This are my thoughts on what you had to say. Feel free to contact me on anything concerning Neothink. Remember nothing but good things wait for us in HamiltonAmerica. Take Care,
    Rosa Lerblance

  2. Mentor,

    On level 3, I learned about SM. It’s an amazing idea from Mr. Hamilton that really works. Only Neothink members know and use this concept. The anticivilazation doesn’t understand NSM, they don’t understand about the child inside. What they don’t understand they reject. When Mr. Hamilton mention the child inside at level 3 meeting I had a wake up call. It seemed the puzzle piece fell in place for me. I look forward to my level meetings with Mr.Hamilton as he takes time to explain in simple words what he wants me to learn. Thank You, Rosa L.

  3. GORDON LENT says:

    I LOVE IT! The third one is the charm, and the first two are gold. I can really see this generating a sunami of MASS PROPORTIONS for many a salesman within our ranks: the new, fledgling sales learners to the seasoned veterans (like Charles Denney) now have the knowledge/power that with some practice and a little creativity can start the process of healing what ails humanity. As for myself, my FNE better fits within the political arm of the SOCIETY. You see, I have always been a neo-thinker (minus the awareness of it) and a non-conformist and as such have always seen both religion and politics for what they are. I was a baptized catholic who grew up in the church until I’d had enough (age 15) and decided to start thinking for myself. As far as politics goes, I have always pressured all of our elected officials to do the right thing and have taken them to task whenever I felt that they were not doing as they should be doing.

    Right now though I really need to absorb all of this information (I will be receiving my 2900 pg. manuscript by Dr. Frank R. Wallace—“the original secrets”) that are now mine!!! Something you should know about me is that I am a disabled vet (100% rating) and I am currently going through some somewhat debilitating issues at this time. I suffer with a spinal cord injury in my kneck (c-4,5,6&7); I have 6 titanium plates and 12 surgical, stainless steel screws keeping my head where it belongs; I have degenerative disc and vertibrae issues in my lower back; a messed-up knee, shoulder, wrist/hand and foot. As you could imagine these all cause nasty to downright debilitating pain throughout my body at all times (24/7), as well as, many secondary issues such as; diabetes, neuropathy, IBS, insomnia (I average 18-24 hrs. of sleep a week). I’m not telling you this to complain, as an excuse or for sympathy’s sake, inn fact I find it amazing what one can get used to!!! I’m telling you this so that you will have an open mind when I tell that I will try to keep up as best as is possible but that it won’t always be possible. I plan on becoming very active within the society and the political party ASAP but am not willing to rush anything at this time. I believe if something is worth doing, it is worth the best of one’s abilities and only one’s best, therefore I must apply all efforts toward the knowledge and when that is in it’s final stages I will hit the ground running. In the mean-time I have started puzzle picture works, TSM’s and so-forth to help see what will come from my new actions with/for The Neothink Society and society at large…I love you Miss Annabelle.

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