Saturday, March 15, 2025

Moving on….

July 21, 2012 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Apparently I’m Having to start from the ground up. You know my grandma always said don’t put off today what you can do tomorrow. Well I’m really starting to see that to many people today are to willing to put off making the changes in their lives today that could help their health, their lives, security, and happiness. I don’t really mind starting over as long as I have the ability to show people that ONE person in conjunction with others that have awoken to the plight of our planet can make a difference. Has anyone in NEOTHINK truly given thought about how our lifestyles directly affect our world, as well as our health?
I’m looking at the problems we face with pollution, drought, severe weather changes, etcetera. Where would we be without our planet?
Yes, I know I sound like a nut case, but there is logic and there is evidence available for any who wish to find it.
I have always been a student and the sciences have always fascinated me, along with ancient civilizations and history. Our religious texts if you remove the mystical are actually quite accurate historical documents. You just have to learn to look past the mystical connotations. They have documented alien encounters, documented spacecraft designs, and alien interference in our lives. They gave us our first moral and ethical codes to live by, however we don’t live by them the way we should.
Each one of us has the ability to become but sometimes it does take outside help. Each one grows in their own way. I have what most consider an impossible task at hand. As I first start out tackling this task it will be tantamount to a band-aid on a gushing wound, but in the end I hope it to be the pressure bandage we need to fix our world.
With each building retrofitted for clean energy sources and each new building taking into account for renewable clean energy sources right off at the start of the project it can be done now.
Hey people there are grants and loans with low interest rates available to people who want to go with the solar or wind generators.


It is possible now. Why are we waiting? You talk about building the world of tomorrow..Why not build it today??? The technology and tools are there to get started every little bit counts!!!….

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