Saturday, March 15, 2025


October 27, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

hi mark
I found the third meeting or teaching to my liking, common sense and tactical all in one, I have dabbled in marketing all mu life and find I am very good at it but always made some one else rich doing it. I so look forward to reaping the rewards soon for my efforts. I am ready for nest month and promoting tvpnc, I must confess i have been promoting the movement for some time now at the top of my voice, on notes handed to individuals of the web site or on my car windshield for all to see. especially marketing the governments first and only rule to protect the people only through local state and national defense. I love the look in drivers eyes while stopped behind me in traffic reading the prime law and website putting it into their phone and looking it up while waiting for traffic to move.. cant wait to see what more i can be doing… especially with the cdc coffins. and ebola, terrorism, politics, and martial law immenent.

when can we talk about these things effecting society today.


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