Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lvl 3 in a nutshell !!!!

July 10, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Joan ,
I am reviewing lessons to fully integrate keys, skills, wisdom & knowledge from meetings and related tomes.
This delay has been remedied and I am continuously absorbing and assimilating consciously separating Wallace(philo.) & Hamilton(appl.),understanding reasons behind this fully. Time constraints do demand priority to focus on M.H., with anti-civilization most vulnerable NOW.
This said: Reviewing w/all material, My motivation has been and is increased exponentially. I don’t desire inability of me to maintain fully on track prior to reinstatement of account adversely affecting my observers nor myself, now back on track, in high gear,in motion. Hopefully the period my account was not inactive can be taken into account [no pun intended] & 12 meeting time period please be extended to attain all goals, yours, mine and Collectively ours.
I take full responsibility as personal situations (medical and fiscal) caused delay. TY, Steven


My understanding is combining wisdom and skill acquired focusing on FNE, and utilizing (NMS) tools separately and/or in combination i.e. c/d(common denomi-
nators), FN(force of nature), FNT(force of Neo-Tech,; with full understanding of them, their potential & practically applying numbers and TSM alongside NMS building blocks to business fundamental components will hone skills increasing ability to down stream focus, visualize puzzle building requirements greatly.
Practice ,practice & practice hones skills perfecting them, however they may be interchanged as required to use in any of the areas of the fundamental components of business (below):

1) Values/Products
2) Numbers/Marketing
3) Operations (mfg. included) &
4) Personnel

I look forward to continuing . I believe my understanding and ability to implement these skills successfully, are attained, and will move on to Lesson 4 now , however I continue to implement my assignments Level 3 while also attending full attention to Level Four.
This is my FNE also being my primary source of income, having strong desire to assist in TVP’s attainment of it’s goals, I am taking responsibility to complete all assignments of Meeting Four also continuing to practice and creatively practice my homework from Meeting Three . As I formerly stated meeting THREE was review.

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