Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Level III

January 21, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

This was a strange video for me. Emotionally- I felt very sad and upset throughout it. I see the “power” behind the strategies, but I do not see how I can make the work for me. I don’t have a job – and thusly – I don’t have, literally, almost any money. You keep talking about things that would be very useful to me to pursue all those things I wish so much to do- but I cannot figure out how/where to begin. And since you always are pushing the not-so-Secret members only “Secret” website, I am reminded constantly what I cannot do: join it. The 30$ is, at most lately, 50% of the money I have been seeing in a month: consider that – spending half of your fortune, since I also have no money in the bank, Mark, on a membership to a website that you only know about because another free website you signed up for repeatedly suggested it? (No, I didn’t get anything in the mail, nor did I purchase nor read the Heirlooms; I never heard of them until joining this website one afternoon.) And yes, I want to join it: but don’t feel I can.

I joined this hoping to meet people and find a way/strategy to begin making even just a little money – at least enough to sleep on a bed again, and not another night on a couch. But, it seems the only way to meet people is to spend more money than I have… I wish this also talked more about the broke 21yr old interested in Neothink trying to get up in life. Please help Me (all us broke folks). I say broke because I am not poor – I am immensely Rich, but I have not figured out how to tap in the monetary wealth I know is mine and I deserve. How do I get started, what do I do?

I’d love so much (more than all the money) to meet Neothink people – I don’t have many friends, and then haven’t met a woman in a long time. But I can’t participate because I don’t have the money? I get that feeling from every business, but from you too? That makes me sad, and upset – and resentful. I don’t like that about Neothink. I hope that these strategies might help me get out of my financial rut. Everything you discuss makes sense to me, as I mostly think ‘NeoThink for many years. I don’t suspect however that anyone from Neothink will read this…I have sent emails to some trying to get information about clubhouses, but never get any responses…Please contact me! I am striving for contact with like minded people; I feel sad and alone.
I hope to feel better about this soon, and will watch the video again this month.

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Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level III”
  1. Hello Joan,

    These are the comments I sent to Mark a few minutes ago. I will be glad to have you comment on anything you see in here…..something toward clearing up some of the confusion about what I may not understand. I got a Gravatar with a photo of my husband and myself. I’m not sure if will show in this site.

    Thanks, Yvonne

    I have just finished hearing lesson 3. I am very excited about the marketing techniques taught in this lesson and I look forward to joining forces with you and the team to take NEOTHINK to the world! I have done marketing of several products the last few years…mostly alternative health related.

    I have most recently been listening to the health audios package from Neothink……many interesting ideas. I liked the information on AEROBICS by Dr. Kenneth Cooper. I read that book when it was new in the 60s. I liked the visualization
    techniques that were taught in these audios also.

    I am concerned that the audios contain nothing about a person healing themselves through many alternative choices that we have. Perhaps this was overlooked at this time and will be recorded later because it might not appeal to mainstream thought
    or that it may be equated with mysticism or new age.

    I learned in the early ’70s when I was given a diagnosis of a major disease that a person could not take drugs and be healthy. They all have side effects and do little to eliminate disease. I took the drugs for 4 years because I had no alternatives. At that time I was fortunate to find a dentist in Florida who helped a person to regain their health through diet, supplements, exercise and drinking pure water.

    That set me on a path of learning everything I could about natural healing methods such as herbs, homeopathy,
    acupuncture, massage, reflexology, cranio-sacral, chiropractic, frequency machines (such as Royal Rife’s invention, etc.)

    The last 11 years I have worked for a company that balances the body energetically by offering healing frequencies
    through a person’s photo and the person heals himself as his body was designed to do by allowing his higher self to make the choices………..the field of Quantum Mechanics or subtle energy physics.

    Another more recent company I am working for has frequency tools that contain zero point energy (recognized by Einstien in the 1930’s). The energy is infused into the tools to be used to stop pain as well as gradually changing each cell to resonate like a tuning fork with the healing energy.

    In all of Neo-Tech writings I seem to sense that it is expected that immortality will be found through mainstream medicine if they are given enough money and freedom to pursue it. If the same money and freedom is given to the alternative practitioners I believe it is more likely they can communicate with mainstream medicine and find sensible solutions.

    Anyone who helps to elevate a person’s consciousness to the point that they heal themselves should first do no harm. I see alternative practitioners mostly doing that but not mainstream medicine. A person can use herbs to detox the body periodically and avoid having to accept the very invasive procedures of modern medicine such as
    kidney dialysis, colonoscopy, etc…….

    Thank you for your teaching and persistence, Mark.

    Yvonne J.

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