Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Level 3 Meeting

November 5, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Level 3 meeting with Mark really was very enlightening and touching. I now understand who I am, and that I was chosen. It’s a real great feeling. Thank you. Learning about, and how to use the forces of nature in marketing will help me. I look forward to learning of the opportunity that level 4 as to offer. Thanks Family.

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One Response to “Level 3 Meeting”
  1. Bruce says:

    I live in Hawaii. It seams that I maybe the only Neothink person here. I would realy like to speak with someone about what I’m going through. Just to here a common voice, a like minded individual. I tried the clubhouse but I don’t think it is up and going at this time. I trust Neothink therfore I trust the members so I’m listing my Phone number in case any of you would like to talk Neotech with me (808) 292-8337

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