Sunday, March 9, 2025

Level 3 Integrations

July 5, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

I learned here in Level 3 what I already knew back in 2006 when I first decided to become a member and received Heirloom Edition #1. On Thanksgiving Day 2 years ago I unveiled a business concept and idea and a marketing advertisement campaign to my family using the Forces of Nature. I was rebuffed by them since they understood that I was in fact using the Neothink Thinking Concept in the advertisement campaign. I am still at that level of “Ready and Willing” in the words of David Coverdale, thanks to the 2 years of “skull-fucking” pardon my French, that I have received not only from my family but my fellow co-workers and management at my place of business (Faurecia Gladstone Facility)to stifle my success through Boresha International and Neothink. I believe that Level 4 will be that breakthrough that I am looking for. Yours In Solidarity, JDG III.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 3 Integrations”
  1. Meta says:

    Hi Jason, So many people reject a concept they do not understand, that is why we need to stay in contact with other like minded people. Mark Hamilton certainly given us much to think about and yes it is helpful to share our integrations. Thank you for your support in Solidarity… If you wish to speak with someone you can call Member Services, @ 1-800-480-2336. Have a great day. Meta

  2. Meta says:

    Hey Jason I do not know where that “Level 1 Integrations?” came from All I know about computers is what you see. I hope it did not confuse you. Meta

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