Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Level 3 – Comments

January 16, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

A very good presentation and I like how the tools are easily tied into the fabric of the ultimate goal of NT. I am and entrepreneur and your discussion taught gave me new tools that an Ivy League MBA did not. I use knowledge from each lesson and thank you for crating value in me. Our society is sick and needs NT/TVP I hope I can help.

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One Response to “Level 3 – Comments”
  1. Meta says:

    Stan, Thank you for your integrations on your Level 3 meeting. We can always use fresh eyes, new concepts and proven and tried ideas of an entrepreneur, also help with the TVP. Mark Hamilton laid the ground work now it is our turn to help fix our “sick society” a place where we all can live happily and prosper. To connect please call Member Services @1800-480-2336. Meta

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