Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Level 3

May 27, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

This was very exciting for me and I thank mark and my child of the past for reaching out because since I was little i have always searched for something more and I have found it the,Typ and Ga.
is the bible belt we have got to reach these people to move Ga. forward !!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 3”
  1. BRUCE MORRIS says:

    i’l fround my GOD -MAN and my self in neothink and neotech world ok
    i’l know what the marketing secret forces of nature is i’m the GOD -MAN A CREATOR’S OF THE NEW WORLD. i’l discover my self through neothink and neo-tech i’l be consciousof who i’m,numeber is the keys for marketing secret of the forces of neothink i’l can see my future and will help mankinds in the future of the world i’l can see the new world to become into civilization and the universe.
    i’m become like miss annabell students all 12 by finding there GOD-NAM AND INTEGRATED FOR MANKINDS,JOHN 8:32 SAY THE TRUE WILL SET YOU FREE. THAT what miss annabell and Mark Hamilton book show a new way of life and a new world
    neo-tech and neothink is the key what is number and integrated.

  2. Thank you for your patience as my mentor . I am fully back on track . I will be continuing on to Level Four Secret Meeting now , having viewed and reviewed this material both online & in Secret Teachings of My Inner Circle

    I have two requests :

    If an extension of time to complete Meetings, could be instituted, as inactive period occurred (medical and fiscal personal situation requiring full attention.)however, nothing NOW can IS ABLE to diminish responsibility of my obligations to the League, N-T & SOS, nor myself ( as member of several factions) , nor do I desire those delays to adversely affect my observers and their personal sacrifices of their time and expenses.

    I take responsibility for the previous delays and have sacrificed myself to the Collective cause selflessly, having strong convictions to the cause. Exploring ahead to Meeting Six fortified my MOTIVATION towards each & everyone’s collective, as well as my own SUCCESS .

    I know it will take ALL of US to Institute vital changes curing this virus, the “Law of Man.”

    2) Please assist me in actively meeting in person other member’s.

    I am instituting necessary revisions to my life and will not allow the keys to my life to be kept in someone else’s pocket.

    Thank You,
    Steven Foerster

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