Tuesday, March 4, 2025

level 3

December 21, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Mr Hamilton,
I read visions 3,4 and 9 like you told me. The information kept coming back to me as I read. Vision 3, I remembered as it mentions the 3 examples of external authority. Example 2 is religious paradigm. It told me the church controls what I think and believe. I was born and raised catholic and became a religious fenetic. I went to catholic school for 5 years and was taught to pray and put all my promblems in Gods hands and he would handle it for me. Father Mike has been in charge at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic church here for 8 to 9 years. He often says at mass pray and put your promlems in the Lords hands and he will take of it for you. An incident happened this past summer that involed Fr.Mike and accussations of child abuse. In stead of practing what he taught us he decided to leave the church without telling anybody where he was going or why. It surprised me. I looked up to him. The Bishop did the same thing by protecting his actions. Please don’t misunderstand me as I have alot of respect for Fr.Mike he is a good, kind humble man. His actions are what stays in my mind. Just like you say they control what you think and believe. I had to get away from the church for a few months to devote myself to Neothink. Vision 4, I will read again as I have never been good in science. Vision 9 was great for me as it gives me a sense of thrill and encourgement of how things will be in the supersociety. I am determined to cram my mind with all the Neothink knowledge. I am not sure if it is to early for me to volunteer for member services but I want to get more involved in the society. My gold is to become a mentor in the telesiminars.
Happy Holidays! All the best this holiday season and in the New Year.
Very Gratful,
Rosa Lerblance

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