Thursday, March 6, 2025

Level 3

October 6, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark.

I found level 3 very interesting. And because I subscribed to being an “Active Member”, I wasn’t surprised about Neothink going public and me being on the “ground floor” on “something Wonderful”. I quoted the words something wonderful because I was thinking of the movie 2010 the Year we make contact (sequel to 2001 a Space Odyssey). Which was the answer to the question, “what’s going to happen to Jupiter & Io”? “Something Wonderful!” was the answer.
Anyway, back to my comments.
After reading the Active members letter, I thought about running a “Clubhouse”. I like helping people, whether it’s directing people who seems lost, what shelf in the grocery story they can find what they are looking for. I’ve even taught Adults how to use graphic software to build airplane parts, assemblies and installations. Running a clubhouse has the appeal of helping people by bring member together which seem natural to me. Or, should I say is “one of my Friday-night Essence”.
But I haven’t been to clubhouse to see how they are run. What is necessary, what is needed and how clubhouses work. Is there a budget to run a clubhouse? As you can see, I have a lot of questions about running clubhouses.
I like to attend an active clubhouse so I get a feel for it.
I have sent an email to Sue Moore on 10/2 about attending her clubhouse. But as of today (tonight or Sunday morning 10/6) Sue hasn’t returned my email.
I also sent an email Saturday night (10/5) to Robbin Lopeman who’s another clubhouse contact. I sent off the email shortly after I started to listen to Level 3.
Since I’ve retired from the Boeing Company, I really don’t know what to expect any more on what the proper email etiquette is. How long does it take for one Neothink member to make the time to return or reply to another Neothink member’s email? When I worked for a living, I tried to answer emails the same day or the next day. Otherwise, the email would get lost or forgotten.
That’s a disappointment I’m trying to deal with. I do have high expectations of other people, and I’ve always been disappointed. I even asked one of my Boeing managers once if I should lower my expectations of other people. He said NO. Though in truth, he wanted to say “YES”.
Having to wait on others, knowing that the longer my email goes unanswered, the more it becomes lost or forgotten is disappointing. It make me feel that I will miss out on an opportunity of a life time.
Stephen K.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Level 3”

    Not sure why I never received the email Stephen; however, I do recall meeting with You, Lynn Marlowe, Sue Moore, and Angela live and in person at the Auburn library one Saturday in 2013. Also, I recall that you, Sue, and Angela were in close proximity and communicating with one another very well. I am a little disturbed that you feel that I purposely ignored you. I did Not. If I can be of assistance in regards to the Society pls, feel free to contact me by email @ [moderator: do not post your contact information on the public internet]. Thank You!
    Wishing You Well,

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