Saturday, March 15, 2025

level 3

August 15, 2012 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

it was excellent, thank you and much love to you all who worked so hard and elaborating much in our inner child Zon for we all want to play and enjoy life to its fullest as business and common denominator. for i feel we are all connected to the degree, that we seek to find our true essence and teach others to put the puzzle pieces that will make us who we truly are. our minds want to create and in history we can see how this world became what it is. but i know we in the society have a purpose to learn the vision in our purpose. to have a abundance.and know that we are loved which is a strong force. we have the ability. thank you mark for believing in me as i travel this journey with your wisdom and love. i will gain and will perceive the vision as i look at the stars and use the iron grip to maintain the level of excitement and believe in myself with confidence and conviction. for it will be interested in who crosses my path and know he is part of our world -class society. in which i am happy to be part i continue to intergrate my mind and know my mission with FNE. i know it will be a bliss when the moment hits me like a bolt of lightning. and how beautiful and wonderful it will be. you are the ripple of the rock thrown in the mass water to enlighten the people who don’t have a clue but will with time and how they should apply themselves towards their childhood dreams , and have them manifest before their own eyes. thank you mark always with love to all who made the it happen for those who seek it. i am amazed how the forces of nature has the ability to bring in and find the searchers which are the child wanting more then they have and do. excellent mentor excellent. i can see the 12 vision live on. a force beyond most people understanding but you make it clear as glass. as one mentor said in one book i read he shows an egg corn in his hand and ask what do you see. one student said i see an egg corn. the mentor said do you know what i see, the student said what?? he said i see a forest with huge trees beyond the beyond. then the student understood not to think small but think larger than life for there more then what the virus mind does not allow what can could be but can be. :)) thank you my mentor

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