Monday, March 17, 2025


November 23, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Yes indeed the levels get more interesting each month.That alone is a great marketing tool keep them coming back for more! How far as how you really found me that will come later. I love the term seeker it seems to fit rather well since I have always been one that tends more to be interested in that which leans it’s self not toward the daily window dressing we call life but try to in vision or understanding on a much higher level NEOTHINK has finally offered me the tools to make the leap I have always wanted to make and, knew since a young zon some day would it would come! It did in the form of guess what NEOTHINK! Amazing uh! All my life I never really found anything in life relationships, jobs so on and, so that really kept my interest peeked for a sustained period of time nothing really seem to excite me until tell now I guess that’s why I fill so in tune with NEO-THINK as I have stated before the writing support many of my long held beliefs since a young zon! That is enough of that for know will talked about what your really interested in level-3 integration’s! I will try now to explain why I fell like on some level I have all way’s understood basic marketing concepts of which you speak. These tools in reality have been around and, in use for quite some time now the books site many examples one of your often used one is Henry Ford however, it goes much further back than that. It first came about with the market places of the ancient world. Yes even our counter parts of long ago used the same basic marketing tools in use today! Understanding the market, finding a market for the product. If the product is sound but, the market is not you may have to use a age old trick know as creating a market for your product. After all is that not what NEO-THINK is about value creation? Next one must find there target meaning the group of people who would most likely use your products and, services and, market your product in a way it will appeal to there nature on some level as you mentioned in the meetings.Example macho truck commercials from ford or beer commercials during football games appeals to the inner beast in men. Remember when house wives watched soaps all day ad’s were geared for things that would appeal to house wives simple enough. It has also been a well know fact that background imagery the ways certain words are phrased package of product location of business will leave a impression on the lower levels of the mind and appeal to the basic instincts. Much like the format of NEOTHINK is designed with the wording as is to awaken you to a new way of thinking you know crafting your product were it will appeal to people by using age old marketing tactics. Well I guess we covered the basics on that subject. Me and, the little Zon are enjoying our time with you guy’s and, THANK-YOU for sharing your world with us in some small way. We look forward he and, I (little zon) to our meetings each month as I said they get more interesting as we go along. Next month promises us a small peek inside for the first time. GOOD! As we dig further in the young Zon is once again coming alive and, wont’s out to play once and, take over the FNE role he once so much loved to play! He is as desperate to dig his way out now that he see’s for the first time in many years a ray of home coming threw the cracks and, he wont’s out as badly as the anti-world wont’s to shove NEOTHINK into that very same deep dark hole! I fear however at this point they have pretty much lost the battle it would appear wouldn’t you say? Be for warned the more pressure we apply the more it hurts and, the they will kick and, try to destroy everything we are doing by fear tactics and, smear campaigns. See they to have there own marketing plan. In the end it will fail simply due to the fact it’s NEOTHINK time in the history of the world. I believe most people know the world is turning towards a new era and, the time is now, the place is here, the change is indeed NEOTHINK! Until next month.

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