Saturday, March 15, 2025

I’m still here

April 23, 2012 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Greetings to You Mark.
I must say it has bein a long time since I have posted an Integrated message to you. This message is to let you know that I am still here, I have no intention to ever leave the Neothink Society, where else would I go? who else has the answer to all this worlds delema’s let’s say I was some what on the Fence, observing, seeing and hearing and I love what I am observing, seeing and hearing. I find that I am missing out on alot, and I want to change all of that!
I do not like to complain, because you have given me the tools to solve all issues, with time. I know that you are there for me to help with question and answers, to be honest with you, I am so acustom to dealing with my own issues I almost for get that I have a dear Father and Friend in you Mark Hamilton!

I would like to share some personal problems with you that is a constantly slowing me down. When I recieved My first heirloom package I just move to Jamaica to recover from a Brain tumor surgery, I felt that this would be my second chance to live for myself and experience the ah, ah moment as I began to experience my new life with Neothink, new changes began. I became the sole caregiver of my 80 year old mother, I myself will be 62 in June, I am also recovering from several health issues, which has minimize since I began my reading/mentoring with you. Thanks to your pure honesty I am able to survive on hecktic journeys. I will share the most recent and tragic.
On Feb, 20th 2012 they murdered two of my Grandson in Toronto Ontario, it is so tragic for my family and I, twelve years ago my husband was murdered in Hamilton Ontario, how much can this child of the past indure? Some time’s I feel like hiding myself away from all this anticivilization, then I ask myself why should I hide,I am not apart of this ac, anymore, no, I am not govern by the ac. I am apart of the C of U. I am surviving because you show me the way to Neothink.
Thank You

I am up todate with all my levelmeetings to level-9 and have not done all my Integrations. I am feeling the effect of unplug, its not a nice feeling! I am so ready Mark to get myself out of this Rut!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “I’m still here”
  1. I now understand that relentless desire which has been pushing meto search for something I cannot even figure out or exlpain to my peers.I now know that it was the awakened child of the past. Thank you Mark. I Cannot wait to learn intergrating the power of nature, the power of Neo-Tech,.and the powerful child of the past. I am convinced that I have a mission of bringing the C OF U to our world and thus changing the bi-camera third dimension world to fith dimension.

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