Saturday, March 15, 2025

child of the past/present/future

August 6, 2012 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Hello, Mark Hamilton and fellow searchers,

How interesting that you said that we were found through our searching (never-give-up) nature. Recently it was disclosed that Google and other search engines provide content to inquiries related to the types of searches that we have done in the past. I know that I often find tons more information than most because I apparently have an exhaustive search history on all topics. Hmmm…

In the past few weeks, I have researched alternative treatments for autism because I just discovered that a friend’s son is affected. I was able to give her a few simple areas to pursue that were new to her. I also had a hunch today about a physical exercise that might be beneficial, so I did the research, which proved that it was. Eureka! Another present that I can provide. It made me feel great to be able to help a friend with information.

When you think about it, information is the greatest gift that you can give.

And I have often said that asking the right questions is the key to discovering what is worth knowing.

In fact, even though I love artwork and dream of being able to follow through with some of my ideas, the bottom line is that I really snap into action, ignoring personal needs like meals, when someone I know needs help. Then I ask the questions and follow the trail until I have a pile of information to sort and evaluate. And share.

So saying that working through marketing to bring Neo-Tech Society to the world hit home with me. I’m excited. Can’t wait for next month’s lesson–and opportunity?

I can see that choosing this group by finding those of us who ordered all three packages from you was insightful. Of course, finding a group who would plow through thousands of pages of reading in this hyperactive society is another coup. I will say that, although I love to read and appreciated your text, it did become tedious with repetition in many places. Say it once: I “got it.” If you’re looking for those who can grasp the information quickly and move forward, it needs to be crisp and concise.

Another point of dissension is the fact that you seem to consider politicians the source of the counterproductive anticivilization (although I do agree with you that political antics are amusing.) I would suggest that it is, instead, the Powers That Be, the moneyed elite ruling class, who control the politicians, bureaucrats and religions for their own purposes. (Look into the supposed acts of terrorism–indeed, the causes of any war–and you will see an ECONOMIC cause.) Every politician who comes into office, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with their own ideas, is soon relegated to the same brain-dead roles as their predecessars. That shows that there are other forces at play…and in control. So look deeper.

Breaking down the aspects of marketing into common denominators, forces of nature and forces of Neo-think with the ability to shift the text to capture all of them is pure genius. Great job! Totally interesting lesson.

You must have something earth-shattering to reveal about the TVP in the near future. I cannot imagine how you plan to operate with less than three months until our national elections. Can’t wait to see!

Now I am impatiently awaiting the next stage of our development.

Thank you again,


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