Level 3 integration
August 16, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
I continue to become more and more excited about the NeoTech program. By experiencing this level and the revelations of the NMS I am finally beginning to see all the picture beginning to resolve itself into the integrated whole. I can’t wait to see the whole picture! Part of my excitement is a result of […]
Lvl 3 in a nutshell !!!!
July 10, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Dear Joan , I am reviewing lessons to fully integrate keys, skills, wisdom & knowledge from meetings and related tomes. This delay has been remedied and I am continuously absorbing and assimilating consciously separating Wallace(philo.) & Hamilton(appl.),understanding reasons behind this fully. Time constraints do demand priority to focus on M.H., with anti-civilization most vulnerable NOW. This […]
What did I do
July 3, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
This meeting was the answer to my most burning question. Why me? Thank you for the information, the answer to that question. I had an integration and sensed that something was missing. Well, I signed up for the wrong web site. I signed up for the neothink active member site instead of the secret website […]
Level Three
June 26, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Mark, that was a amazing lecture on what to do to expand and getting out of my comfort zone and be the man I am meant to be a zon. I truly believe I can accomplish whatever my true essence reveals to me, the common denominators. I would put into practice and be more involved […]
June 21, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Hamilton Thank you for accepting me as a Neothink Society member. I received the Forbiden Revelation manuscript witch I’ll follow thorouggly. Remenbering: 1981-1989 Neothink Essence: Character, Dignity, and Constitution. Once in every generation a true Leader emerges. The Neothink Essence brilliantly exalts a man or woman of great vision, integrity, conviction, and above […]
keeps getting better
June 10, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Hi I said this about last one but This meeting was by far more informative than the others.I was very excited about getting the neo-think out there to people,because everyone deserves to be exposed to neothink, what it stands for and person(s) responsible for it.At times I felt selfish for having the knowledge of it […]
Level 3
May 27, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
This was very exciting for me and I thank mark and my child of the past for reaching out because since I was little i have always searched for something more and I have found it the,Typ and Ga. is the bible belt we have got to reach these people to move Ga. forward !!
neothink marketing skills
May 4, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
went back to level 3 and think I actually used the site correctly this time in that I went to flash. don’t remember this lesson from last time so would have if I had actually seen it. may sound beginner like but want to sound competent this time. I absorbed it and understand the lesson. […]
Level 3
April 29, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark, This was a excellent meeting but will need to go back and review so it will all soak in. Thank you!
Intergrations 3
April 19, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
I totally watched lesson 3 last month and forgot to submit my intergrated comments. I guess working 7 days a week really puts a toll on your memory. Anyway, I am glad that I chosen by neothink to be the one of many to lead by example and take the reins to be the best […]