Candice Thurman integration 3
December 29, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Just curious, if all this information is about to go public, who will be responsible for weeding out the evil that we have been trying to prevent from letting get hold of this sacred knowledge in the first place. Won’t anyone have the access then? Will this pose a political advantage to the anti-civilization by […]
level 3
December 26, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
All my life I have had an addiction to learning. I know that I have been gifted with many abilities, so I am not surprised that You can find a lot of information on me on many computer data bases. I stopped trying to change others a long time ago. I can only change myself, […]
Level 3
December 24, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
On being on level 3 I have learned how to Market,Numbers,however using the Force of Nature, well it seem to turn thing around every chance it gets. I am handling it but I must say it is a big challenge. My Daughter just had a baby girl and I will work with her as she […]
Level 3 integration report
December 21, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Actually I am on the level 2 but I finished reading level 3 from “Forbidden Revelation” about 2 weeks ago I plan to write then but I am under heavy purification from Master Sha’s Tao retreat my body need time to adjust and integrate with much higher frequency and vibrations I wasn’t feeling well that […]
December 15, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Hello, I am excited to be at level 3 and learning more of why i was chosen and what Neo-Think is about. Amazingly this 3rd level is exactly what I am searching out here to do along with my many FNEs. I want to change the world so my people will live in civilization instead […]
level 3
December 14, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Beyond doing cost estimates for engineering projects, I have had very little involvement in running a business. These marketing concepts are very interesting, but I still need to learn the details of starting a business in order to apply them. I also need tome to read all of the nine books that I have bought […]
level 3 integration
December 12, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
As much as I understand how important it is to have a friday night essence which has occured to me that i have a few, most are presently off limits to me at this point in time. Mostly due to the fact that my business sales have fallen to about 50 percent for the past […]
Level 3
December 8, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
I finished reading level 3 while I am in my level 2 month from the “forbidden secret” last night and start to getting excited, I can’t believe while I was reading the book 2 people offered and blessed me “subway sandwich, and domino’s pizza”. I learned “Soul Marketing” the heaven’s force from Master Sha it’s […]
December 6, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
hello-still not sure if I’m getting.Please respond thanks
December 3, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
hello-have been trying to get through on my I-phone-have no computer.please let me know if you get this thank-you .