Thursday, March 13, 2025

neo think marketing secret

May 10, 2015 by Kenneth morris  
Filed under Integrations

these are great eye openers thank i will go over them until i absorb them well and act on them.

It comes together

May 8, 2015 by RDMorse  
Filed under Integrations

We go public in our own code of words sounds good. Have you heard of ” Jade Helm 15 ” that’s supposed to go public in the south western states, 9 of them July 15 to Sept 15 as well. This would be very defeating for us wouldn’t it… Just being the searcher I was […]

Learning to Fly!

May 7, 2015 by Erik Long  
Filed under Integrations

I really got a lot out of our L3 meeting today. I have also been reading my Forbidden Revelation Secret Teaching`s about marketing and the force`s of nature that seem`s to resonate in my right neurotic hemisphere. I`m starting to get premonition`s about thing`s that hour`s later actually happen. I have been digging my mind […]

It’s starting to make sense

May 3, 2015 by Shelly  
Filed under Integrations

Yes it is starting to make sense I am an outcast everywhere I go I do not fit in . I am ready and can not wait for level 4

Neothink Marketing Secret

May 1, 2015 by al hardesty  
Filed under Integrations

This lesson was great and very clever. You had me hook, line and sinker with NMS in your letters to me. Common denominators, forces of nature, forces of neothink and NMS fasinating. Moving to Level 4 moreso.

The Secret is Out!

April 29, 2015 by Charles Shell  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you Mr. Hamilton! I always knew there was something special, and different about me! All my life I always felt different. I never fit in with the “crowd”; always alienated due to the fact that I didn’t follow the game plan. Now everything is starting to make sense. All the common denominators are starting […]

Level 3 integration

April 29, 2015 by aaRon Bonagofski  
Filed under Integrations

this was a great meeting, the 3 piece NMS puzzle is exhilarating, particularly the Forces Of Neothink, this a great journey so far & I caint wait to learn more in the following meetings, thanks


April 24, 2015 by Ruben  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mr. Hamilton, Thanks for all you do. I’ve been blessed with three passions, but haven’t been able to monetize any of them. I enjoy all three, but due to a disability it’s been years since I’ve actually had a paying job. Can my Friday-Night essence be a donation of time, service and happiness without […]

Found My FNE’s

April 24, 2015 by sharron  
Filed under Integrations

I’ve found my FNE’s already, but after reading this level 3 I do believe that I have found another FNE. It’s to do what ever it takes necessary to bring Neothink to the public world. To rid this world of the anticivilation parasitical elite ruling class. Bringing the C of U to this world I […]


April 23, 2015 by Ruben  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton I’ve been awarded a chance to travel oversees & serve out a alternative energy internship, was or is this part of my NeoThink integration?

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