NMS & “C of U”
May 29, 2015 by Andrea Monalisa
Filed under Integrations
I would like to express my sincere appreciation, as one of apprentices to MH & Senior Mentors. Understanding the fact is that other critical NT programs & major projects are held back because of your devotion to this group, aside from your loyalty at heavy cost to NT Society as well as daily time consuming […]
level 3
May 29, 2015 by sharron
Filed under Integrations
Great lesson, It’s amazing to be able to understand my invitationa being in the Cycle Two phase of my life. I often wandered about. At the time I had just made up my to make some drastic changes in my life. So it was really on time. I do remember the most imp
re-review level 3
May 28, 2015 by Eva
Filed under Integrations
Making effort everyday to put what I am learning to use. Awesome! Very excited about being a part of those who will bring the C Of U to earth. Focusing on Value Creations and lifting others as well as myself. I have learned a lot about myself and lots of other interesting subjects. Thank you.
level 3 revisiting
May 25, 2015 by Eva
Filed under Integrations
Finally after 7 months I am so happy I didn’t give up on myself. I understand the Forces of Nature vs the Forces of Neothink and the spiral of death. The forces of nature are what we know and live in this anti-civilization and the spiral of death is what we are taught to accept […]
marketing 101 with a twist
May 22, 2015 by Karen Ebert
Filed under Integrations
When promoting a product / value / service, it’s always easiest if you can find or invent a product / service that everyone wants or needs…or perceives that they can’t live without!! The forces of nature reinforce the idea that you must have the item. The twist is speaking to the inner Zon child using […]
“FNE” 5/17/15
May 20, 2015 by Aubrey Jackson
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark! Thanks for being my Mentor. I am honored to be chosen as a member of The Neo-Think Society. I am a (female 81 yrs. old). Just a little about “My ground”, I am a high school graduate and I have served 3yrs. 4mos., and 9days as a WAF in the United States Air […]
Neo-Think Secret Marketing
May 18, 2015 by Alfred
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark, These three puzzles of secret marketing tools are phenomenal. They just felt into pieces as I visualise using them into business projects I am yet to develop and take off the ground. You surely lay the foundations for unlocking the supernatural speed. Many thanks
scram 131
May 17, 2015 by Robert Scott
Filed under Integrations
Just finished L3. I am so excited to learn that I am searcher. This is something I have known but was unable to put a name on it. My FNE may not make me money right now but has given me great satisfaction. I have also had some small premonitions. The political climate is so […]
Common Denominators
May 14, 2015 by sharron
Filed under Integrations
Understanding common denominators is an awesome lesson to learn. It’s also a very important tool I believe Neothink offers me thus far. Learning how to look for the common denominator throughout our life is amazing,they are there all around us once we know how to identify them. Using the Forces of Nature, which are stimulations […]
Common Denominators
May 14, 2015 by sharron
Filed under Integrations
Understanding common denominators is an awesome lesson to learn. It’s also a very important tool I believe Neothink offers me thus far. Learning how to look for the common denominator throughout our life is amazing,they are there all around us once we know how to identify them. Using the Forces of Nature, which are stimulations […]