03 level
December 29, 2015 by Gregory H.
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark good meeting its funny my wife does not know what i am doing. I understand forces of nature and some of the forces of neothink, I can make her do things for me without asking her to do it. it is a BLAST!!!!!!
December 23, 2015 by Don
Filed under Integrations
As the marketing secrets were revealed I could see why I was pulled into this. You have done your research and testing that is for sure. There must be thousands of people out there who would respond to this type of approach. The biggest problem I see is taking them from being skeptical to believers. […]
noticed forces of nature
December 21, 2015 by Sandra K.
Filed under Integrations
I noticed the forces of nature used in advertisement a long time ago, but with the forces of neothink added to it makes more sense now. Can’t wait til next month but I will read and practice, practice,practice til then.
I am ready to change the world!
December 12, 2015 by Tiandra Lane
Filed under Integrations
Helllo NeoThink Family, This lesson was so right on time! I am so excited and ready to learn everything and to reach the highest levels in life. I can not wait until I reach the success mark. Also so I can be fully integrated with the Neothink Seystem so i can help on the journey […]
Level 3 meeting integration
December 3, 2015 by Michael Davidson
Filed under Integrations
Thank you for such an amazing meeting! Indeed, a lot to absorb and utilize regarding the NMS, in addition to the FNE, and TSM’s, from previous meetings, these tools, I know are preparing me to help bring about the Neo-Tech world, with you. I am honored, and even though I don’t yet feel adequately prepared […]
Level three integration.
December 2, 2015 by Esteban
Filed under Integrations
How do I know if my integration was received? Am i allowed to leave two integrations in the same level? Why does it take so long for me to have money?
Réunion 03
December 2, 2015 by Annik Couppez
Filed under Integrations
Bonjour Michaël, J’ai terminé la lecture du livre. Que dire, je ne suis pas une commerciale et dans ce monde où toute la région du Sahel est une poudrière, les enfants ne vont plus à l’école, les familles vivent dans des bidonvilles… Un monde où 40 % des Européens vivent dans la faim, des habitations […]
Earlier wuestions never answered
November 10, 2015 by Ronald Hartley
Filed under Integrations
I have asked this before and have”nt received an answer. I explained that when I started reading the book Forbidden Revelation, it appeared that it was designed to read along as you were on an internet, and I didn’t have a computer. So I read other Neo think books instead of that one.I recently got […]
My Numbers Fine-Tuning-Level 3
November 7, 2015 by Starr Cullars
Filed under Integrations
Greetings Mentor Mark and Elders, Thank-you for this immense guidance of Level 3. I am still reading My Heirlooms; yet I have had these revelations in some TSMs from Mark’s guidance: -I have fine-tuned the Numbers aspects of my record/production company -Through focusing on Forces of Nature stimulation -Utilizing Forces of Neothink intention/foundation -Bonding Common […]
Level 3 integrations
October 31, 2015 by Asim M
Filed under Integrations
This was truly a lot to digest. The forces of nature was very interesting and i can’t wait to learn how to use them properly. The Marketing plan gives any business an advantage and if you don’t have a business you will definitely want to start one. I know i need to go back and […]