I too have tasted the DESIRE for death………
January 22, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! I have been an ardent idealist all my life. Well……..I am sure we as NeoThink members ALL know the fate of idealists. We live in a cynical (and I DARE say wretched society)(The anti-civilization as you call it) Perhaps your experience is similar. Perhaps the experience of other NeoThink members is similar. I […]
forces of nature
January 19, 2016 by leon
Filed under Integrations
I use the forces of nature in marketing my art and starting to integrate the forces of neothink its very interesting to see how easily we are manipulated using these techniques
Brilliant marketing tools!
January 17, 2016 by Amy M.
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton and mentor Michael: thank you so very much for choosing me to join you in your phenomenal society and journey to create the COU. I am very excited! Your marketing plan is brilliant. I admit I was skeptical when I received the first Neo-tech letter and it has taken me time […]
Super stimulations for Forces of NeoThink……..
January 17, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark!! Pray tell, there is no turning back now! You know, upon re reading my last integration, it seems as if I had left something out of the equation. I had forgotten to include the NeoThink forces. (Wow!! How could I do that?) So let’s see………if I understand this correctly, what we do is […]
Stimulations for the new universe………
January 11, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! Stimulations for the new universe………..now in a process of creation. Yes! This is powerful exciting stuff. To take these under evolved stimulations and build them up with common denominators among the needs and desires of people. To integrate these common denominators with the universal forces of nature among people. We recognize that the […]
The Pro Civilization Is Here………
January 10, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hello, Mark! Yes!! I would like to earnestly put forward that, indeed, the Pro civilization IS here. Now! In your terms, this is, the Civilization Of The Universe. Is this exciting or what? It is here because we carry it within the very FABRIC of our beings. It is now a matter of outward manifestation […]
Welcome, home………..
January 7, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hello, Mark! Thanks ever again for your powerhouse encouragement! May I reiterate: Surrender?! Surrender?!! Surrender………to the anti-civilization……….and its spiral of death abomination? (Abomination certainly seems the most precise word) Surrender?!! In a word……………..N-E-V-E-R!! Welcome home, yes, welcome home. Welcome home to the civilization of the universe!! Let’s rock!! And never look back………. An awesome future […]
Waiting with our arms open wide………..
January 5, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hello, Mark! Yes, this expression appeals directly to “what it is all about”. Who we are. What we want. What we are capable of having. Yes! Marketing directly to the inner child within, the “infant Zon”. My entrepreneurial thrust is in embryo just now, I am facing tough challenges personally, making far reaching decisions……. But […]
This moment in time……….
January 2, 2016 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hello Mark! I really love some of the phrasing you use in your writing. This moment in time. This moment in time. Yes!! Stirring words!! This moment in time. Heralding new promise just off the charts! We truly are at a precious nexus point in history, yes? Due to the coalescence of an amazing variety […]
How BADLY do we want it?!!……….
December 31, 2015 by Tom B.
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! Wow!! Whew!! There are so many ways I want to respond to Part 1 of level 3 training. My mind is boggled. I am feeling awestruck. I am feeling wild with excitement!! I am overwhelmed with emotion at this point………so let me say this!! Thanks to YOUR heroic efforts to find these other […]