Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Lost Child

October 30, 2016 by Beverly W.  
Filed under Integrations

Mark Hamilton And Fellow Neo Tech Member’s, I am blown away by todays meeting. I am in a trance, you say am I ready to change the world., No not quite I don’t know about anyone else but no I’m not , I mean I will take your lead but I haven’t had enough knowledge […]

Powerful Tools

September 30, 2016 by Eli M.  
Filed under Integrations

So these tools as outlined by MH, Common Denominators, Forces of Nature and Forces of Neotech when snapped together create an unbeatable force to achieve whatever the goal is, not limited just to business?


August 30, 2016 by Xavier C.  
Filed under Integrations

Quite an interesting level indeed ! But the idea of Forces of Nature is already used a lot in modern advertising technics, as to put a beautiful girl on a new body car to sell mainstream ! What is new in it ? Also, as asked before, without any reply till this day, what is […]

Discovering how real the NeoTech vision is

August 7, 2016 by Mark W.  
Filed under Integrations

Hello, i have reached this level before, a few years ago. however, it did not impact me like it does now. Maybe i am really starting to integrate better. i have been through some serious changes the last few years, and I am “waking up” to reality. I can see now how important this work […]

the BIG picture

July 29, 2016 by F.W  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Everyone, I must once again thank Mark Hamilton and all the people who run this monster dream machine! Has anyone else just sat for a moment and thought about how much effort and integration, interaction, organization, selflessness, support and love it takes to build something this dope! But, I digress…until I had the big […]

Thoughts about Level 3

July 18, 2016 by Roger J  
Filed under Integrations

Learning about the NMS answered for myself and others the question about our selection to be invited into the society…thank you Mark. Regarding the forces of nature, I see the concept of leveraging those forces to pique interest in exploring Neothink. We need to relate with others on terms they understand. The value we create […]

Integrations from Secret Mentor Meeting Level 3

July 4, 2016 by Amy  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you for this brilliant lesson about the Neo-Tech Marketing Secrets. I am always awe struck by the genius in the Neothink literature. The identification of the common denominator of our infant Zon’s combined with the clever, honest, and appropriate weaving of Forces of Nature with Forces of Neothink to captivate the attention of seekers […]


May 26, 2016 by Ruby mcw.  
Filed under Integrations

This is the first time on the internet so please bear with me . I am a female 65 years old disababled and on Soc.Sec. how do I find my F.N.E.? I am married and a grandmother. I just can”t seem to find my friday night essess. can you help?


April 24, 2016 by Tim B.  
Filed under Integrations

I again would like to thank the higher powers and mark hamilton for choosing me to be part of this world changing journey. I have been doing alot of integrated thinking here of late and have seen the signs as well everywhere including music, television, radio… and no matter how the journey begins it always […]


April 22, 2016 by Matthew M.  
Filed under Integrations

There is a whole other world out there that most people dont realize exists. Just as different cultures know their own culture and are enslaved by its beliefs, customs etc. So human conciousness is enslaved to the influences of the world it is surrounded by. Some of us have a sense of that other world […]

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