Monday, March 10, 2025


March 3, 2017 by Daisy C.  
Filed under Integrations

Hi….I thank God I’m a searcher if I wasn’t you would’nt have found me.Thanks.

level three

February 13, 2017 by byron p.  
Filed under Integrations

hi there that was a great meeting I’m ready to jump in and start meeting with others. I’m off work rite now due to my knee money is low so I cant get into the web site rite now. I so want to ready to meet others. I live in Owensboro Kentucky where are the […]


January 31, 2017 by Jermaine  
Filed under Integrations

The information in my level 3 meeting was very refreshing, and I couldnt help but, think about my current situations in my personal life, with my finances and romances with my wife, and I can clearly see how the forces of nature and the NMS works from personal experience..

PSW/Coach and Eldercare Provider

January 16, 2017 by Theresa c.  
Filed under Integrations

Hello I have been trying to review and re-read areas in my books. Neo tech 1 – 3 I am interested in joining the clubhouses and interacting with other members live. I work for the state/brokerage firm and take care of special needs adult women as this time so I can schedule my day. I […]

Application of NMS

December 3, 2016 by John B.  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you Mark and NTS for choosing me. I now understand why. I am intrigued by NMS and its application to business in general. I am excited to adjust my current business marketing strategy to implement the appropriate forces of nature to see how such implementation will aid in increasing business volume. Thank you for […]

new neo-tech world!

December 3, 2016 by Mike B.  
Filed under Integrations

I am very excited to know how neo-tech found me and to know the stuff I thought all my life was true, just like in the matrix movies! And I cannot wait to see where I can help take this decaying anti-civilization world to with the new neo-tech world! Just like in the matrix! Very […]

Level 3 Intergration Interpretation

November 29, 2016 by Janet  
Filed under Integrations

The more I READ THE MORE I realize why I have always been a WHAT IF mentality. I have not listen or read the news for 3 years. After the election I realized why. Way to many people who want to depend upon .career politicians take care of them. What they don’t realize they only […]

level 3

November 29, 2016 by Lewis P.  
Filed under Integrations

I am very pleased to read of Forces of Nature and Child of the Universe. These are compelling ways to appeal to the reader, or person you are trying to reach… and yes they were effective in getting my initial interest in joining the Neo-Think Society. There it is, boom… I myself am the most […]

level 2

November 29, 2016 by Lewis P.  
Filed under Integrations

I appreciate the how numbers can be used to show and strive for efficiency and results. I have seen how numbers track accuracy of effort also, because often we are recording and assessing things going on around us, and are reporting on that. Because we have control of numbers , we can insist on accurate […]

Sloow learner !!

November 13, 2016 by Dexter  
Filed under Integrations

i’m Happy to be moving along as things all start to gel in these lessons. Im a horseshoer by trade so i have had very little free time this summer, now i can catch up a bit. I can only say that since Neotech my life has improved.

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