Wednesday, March 5, 2025

can not wait for marketing opportunity

November 12, 2014 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark
Ok, so I viewed the lesson again. I seemed to get a lot more from it today. Maybe reading a second time allowed my mind to wander a bit and see the examples of life’s experiences that played out in my memory a recollection I guess… Powerful though…. I have always been exceptional at sales in my life. I have sold at the state fair with vendors and company’s fighting over me. I have sold everything from jewelry cleaner, Kirby’s and large 18 wheel trucks. I have always seen the grey matter…. not the black and white that most see…. I have always played a game I call planting the seed….. I guess its called marketing…. thank you for helping me see that… I have found common denomonators all of my life while not really knowing it. I wrote script including rebuttals for the RNC yes its true….. again the grey matter…. I have to confess now… I have been promoting tvpnc for several months to public patrons, personal aquaintance, professional contact and just about any one who would listen…. I displayed it on my back window of my car… I suppose hundreds of commuters saw it every day until the weather ruined it….. I cant wait to get started on the ground floor next month…. oh another of my skills i’m sure you know already is the gift of empowerment and persistance….. Ive been marketing all my life and you just showed me how to master it and identify the pieces and make many many puzzles or groups of denominators to form a huge puzzle.. Until next month


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